❤️ heartslabyul chapter 5~ classes and mishaps❤️

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It was class time now it was magic history, but I'll be honest, it doesn't feel like history much, to me most of this stuff I already knew, I felt a tab on my shoulder and look up, I'm met with Caters eyes he passes me a note.

'Told you this class was a bore, caught you nearly snoozing before naughty-naughty' he put a little cheeky face at the end of the message, I sigh and write one and pass it back

'Yep you where right it's a bore and so what, I caught you actually asleep not long ago' I put a angry face on the end and pass it back, I felt him chuckling at my side

'True, true~ ya caught me, what ya gonna do now" he put a little side smirk face and I write down something, I look up realising something

'Wait for 3-2-1' he looked at me confused and a voice rang out

"Diamond answer this next question please, and pay attention, not distracting a classmate" The professors voice rang out and Cater stood up

"Yes, yes sir the answer is megastone" the professor huffed

"Correct" Cater sat back down and I pass him a note

'Don't get caught next time' I put a rolling eyes face at the end, I saw a look in Caters eyes and he simply writes

'Challenge?' and I write

'Challenge accepted' and just like that, a new game was invented


"I'll see you later, for now I've got to find Grim" Cater nods and walks of

"Bye-bye" as I turn I bump into someone, I notice it's makoto" she blinks in surprise, and gives me a lazy smile

"Sorry about that Shizu" I shake my head

"No sorry I was distracted what class have you got next?" She scratches her head and says

"Next is potions, I think" considering she's older than the rest of us, she's a bit of a air head, when she's tired which is most of the time.

"Oh have you seen Grim?" I ask and she shakes her head no, I then hear raised voices and see: red, blue and grey flash past the window

"Can you come help me?" I simply ask and she nods her head

"Yea I'll help" we start to walk outside together to see Ace with a net and Deuce with his pen casting spells, at a run away Grim and failing.

"...Makoto" she nods yawing

"on it" she replied she ran towards Grim which spooked him my way

'Chains of red' I said and my chains sprang fourth, They wrapped around Grim

"Haaa sorry about that Makoto" I look up

"...Makoto?" She's gone, that was quick probably found a place to sleep
3rd pov

Komi was walking out her her classroom, when she bumped into her vice dorm leader Jamil, the books they where both holding dropped to the ground.

"I'm so sorry Jamil" she said he shook his hand

"No it's fine, we where both in a hurry" they bent down to pick up their books, only to realise they had the same ones, mostly recipes and dance books with notes in them, so it made it difficult to tell who's was who

"Oh well this is gonna be interesting" she chuckled and Jamil placed a hand on his head, looking like he was having a headache, it reminded Komi of Shizuoka

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