prologue seven

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"heeeha how about that?" grim was smirking at the headmaster and crowley looked on in shock

"i can't believe there are people who can command monsters" crowley had a glint in his eye that made them all shiver but komi decided to ask a question 

"could you possibly let grim stay here with us since we are technically students" crowley had a slight moment of realisation which didn't go unnoticed from the rest

"you forgot that we are students here didn't you ?" shizuoka gave him a really look and crowley coughed 

"no I didn't, I simply let it escape my mind for a slight moment" crowley tried to fix his blunder and failed.. miserably

"you totally forgot" nanami grumbled wanted nothing more than bed so crowley took the opportunity to change topics

"but a monster here as a student" grim mumbled a 'you guys' and crowley thought on it

"what if the ghosts come back were gonna need him" cardia pleaded giving him puppy eyes which was her secret weapon crowley tried to look away but it was impossible and the rest of the girls gave crowley a sympathetic look having been at one point in time given those eyes, there almost impossible to say no to  

"hah..... it can't be helped alright" he gave up and honestly they wanted to help the cat he seemed to be a lost soul like them 

"wait really!?!!" just as grim was about to cheer

"however i can't simply allow someone let alone a monster into school who wasn't selected by the dark mirror" grim now was just about done with the headmaster crap   

"also since your now part of the school and the dark mirror did assign you a dorm i'm going to send professor crewel to get your measurement so we can get your uniform sorted by tomorrow also in night raven collage we have the normal uniform and a dorm uniform" after crowley said that they were confused

"what do you mean normal and dorm" shizuoka asked crowley nodded and began to explain

"you see there is the normal uniform which all students wear with different vest with the colour of your dorm and a armband with the colours of your dorms and a pin on it with your dorm emblem" the girls nodded in understanding 

"and the dorm uniform are for your specific dorm so since you miss kurta are in heartslabyul your uniform will be based on the dorm itself and the dorm head wears something kinda like the dorm uniform but different you'll understand later on" the girls nodded and grim decided to speak up

"well talk about a short lived joy" and everyone was back to the previous conversation so crowley decided to finish his last conversation

"listen until the end" then crowley began to explain there living situation

"you see in night raven collage different dorms and years have classes at different times since some of you are older you may be in different classes tomorrow i'm gonna give you time to go to your dorms and sort out your scheduled with your dorm or vice dorm leaders depending on who's available also regarding your living situation..." crowley thought on it for a bit then decided something

"you guys can decided either this place or your own dorms i'd recommend ramshackle since this school is full of males and since your girls you guys need your own private space" the girls looked at each other

"i think we need time to discus this well let you know tomorrow" shizuoka spoke up for the group and the rest nodded crowley nodded a okay

"so were gonna live together in the same house what are we the golden girls" sakura asked to no one in particular 

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