Prologue five

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the girls arrive at some dorm but they were all shocked this..this is
Somewhere in heartslabyul riddle was at his desk foot tapping on the ground and arms crossed sitting on a chair his mind full of the entrance ceremony and Shizuoka

"!!?!!" Was all riddle was saying until a voice snapped him out of his thoughts

"What's going on riddle you've been like this for the past 10 minutes and it's almost tea time"

Riddle looked up and saw trey his vice dorm leader and childhood friend 

"Nothing it's nothing" riddle answered straight standing up and looking at the time

"It's almost tea time prepared my tea trey" all trey could do was nod complying with the dorm leads request but he was still wondering what had his friend in a panic
Somewhere in savanaclaw Leona was lying Down thinking about makoto smirking to himself it's been a while since he saw a panther girl and those eyes

"for once I don't feel so tired" he looked no where in particular mumbling to himself then ruggie walk to him "what's gotten into you leona" leona nearly jumped

"nothing leave me sleeping" ruggie just sighed

"Okay okay your majesty" just what's gotten into the dorm leader he seems happy... it's creepy ruggie though to himself
Somewhere in octavinelle azul was making a new contact a special one which he was excited for so he called jade and floyd came into his office He looked to the twins

"Something very interesting happened at this years ceremony" azul said still looking at this new contract floyd crossed his arm

"Hhhu really what's happens to make this smiley" azul just chuckle a bit

"I don't wanna spoil the surprise you'll just have to wait and see" jade smirked "oh really I hope it's worth the wait"

Somewhere in scarabia kalim was running to jamil yelling something incoherent and jamil just looked so confused and done so he sighed

"Kalim breath then speak" he placed to fingers to his temple he could feel the migraine coming kalim took a breath then

"Listen at the entrance ceremony there were 7 girls in the school rope and a fire cat oooh then my butt was set on fire ooh oh then one of them helped and there were 2 and chains and boom the cat was captured" kalim exhale as he finished and jamil was now soo confused

"Kalim are you okay" saying this is placed a hand to kalim head to check his temperature,  normal well if he's not sick has he finally lost the plot

"Yes I'm fine the girl who saved me was so pretty"
Okay what a girl at a all boy school

"Kalim I'm taking you to medical" saying this he dragged kalim to the nurses office kalim was just so excited about everything that happened he didn't released that he didn't make sense to normal people or that he was being taken to medical until the nurse was asking questions "have you taken anything you weren't supposed to"
Somewhere in pomefiore vil was looking into a mirror and examined him makeup when a certain purple eyed and sliver hair girl came into his mind he smirked her skin care isn't half bad but needs improvement and that attitude needs work

"rook get me the apple" vil look to rook and smirk

"oui oui" was all rook said before disappearing

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