❤️ heartslabyul chapter 2~ the tart incident❤️

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Shizuoka pov

Ace came into the dorm, and grim floated to him

"I'd recognise that collar anywhere, it's the same one that psyco stuck on me at orientation!" I took a closer look and nod

"Looks like it" I say and Sakura grunted

"well this is your dorm's problem, so I'm going back to bed as sleepless nights do havoc on the skin" she walked upstairs, now it was just me Ace Grim and Komi

"What did you do ace?" I asked rubbing my eyes he looked away grumpily

"I eat and tart" we waited for a second for him to say sike, but it never came

"Are you serious?" Was all my half awake brain could think to say

"Yeah that's it that's all I did, I was a little hungry, see so I went down to the dorm kitchen and found some tarts in the fridge, three whole tarts and big ones too!" We all look at each other confused

"Please elaborate" Komi said putting down some tea on the table for him, he nods in thanks and takes a sip and begins to explain
"Man I'm still tired from our little adventure, I missed dinner, too and now I'm starving" he walks over to the fridge and opens it

"Got anything for me, fridge?....Whoa, score Tarts! Those look amazing!" He looked at the three big tarts with hunger in his eyes....hungry eyes

"And plenty to go around, too! No one would notice if I snagged one teeeensy little slice right? Right of course not." And takes one slice and eats it

"Mmph...SO good! Im in pastry paradise right now!" A voice behind spoke to Ace

"Of course they're good Trey made them. His tarts are always exceptional" the voice belonged to the dorm leader Riddle Roseheart

"Yeah, but I mean...These are CRAZY good! Like, he could sell these at-wait, Housewarden?!" Riddle looked mad at Ace

"That you would think to touch something of MINE....well I'm impressed with your audacity, at least." Ace looked scared and about ready to run

"But the Queen of heart's rule 89 is quite clear 'never eat a tart without the Queens permission' the theft of tarts is a serious crime!" Riddle yelled out

"Off With Your Head!" Suddenly a collar was around ace neck

"And....here I am" he finishes his tea placing it on the table, I felt nothing for Ace at this moment even Komi and Grim where speechless, looking at each other wondering what to say.

"So the point to your story is that your both idiots" was all I could get out, not caring anymore

"You don't think that it's insane for my magic to get sealed away for eating ONE slice of tart?! For a mage, that's like having your arms and legs bound and shackled" Ace fired back and I just gave him a blank look, I look over at Komi to see her slightly trembling but she then shakes her head and smiles.

"And there were three whole tarts! THREE! It's not like he could eat 'em all himself! C'mon, you know this is messed up!" I blink at him and Komi opens her mouth

"It does seem a tad extreme" was all she could get out, I was just done at this point with Ace but then the words of the crow popped in my brain 'look after them'....damn you bird man

"Riiight?! Ace said sighing and Grim speaks up

"Yeah, but... I mean, if there where three of 'em they we're probably for a party" my eyes widen slightly at grim

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