❤️ Heartslabyl chapter 12~ scars and comfort ❤️

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Shizuoka pov

It was just me and Trey in the kitchen I have one bowl he had another it was silence for a bit

"Have you ever done this before?" He asked somewhat awkwardly

"Yeah back where I used to work I mostly did kitchen duties like cleaning and cooking" I answered bluntly and I give Trey and side look to see him sweating, can he not talk to women?

"You see back where I lived you had to work in order to stay there so I mostly stuck to cleaning" Trey stopped what he was stirring and looked to me

"Work to stay?" He asked curious, I may have said to much

"Me and the other girls worked around helping out the owners" I say and he gives a slight nod

"I see what about your family?" He asked and I my hands froze....family

"You are so cute Shizu~" a voice rang in my head,  and the pain started again, my breathing became quicker and my whole body shook. Trey patted me on my shoulder and my head shoots up, he looks down on me in worry 

"Shizuoka are you okay?" he said. he looks around and grabs a chair and helps me sit down on it and kneels in front of me my breathing is still quick and my hands are shaking it feels like there's a vise gripping my chest I can't breathe

"Shizuoka?" Trey said my name in worry I....I can't let them see me like this, my eyes dart around and I see a cupboard my body sprints to it and I shut the door, I heard Trey bang on the door

"Shizuoka are you okay what's going on!!??" He asked in worry I take a breath trying to steady my breathing

"I-I'm fine j-just leave me alone for a minute" I say and the banging on the door ceases, I land on my knees my glasses fall to the floor, there are droplets on my hands, my eyes are burning and my head in pounding

"I-I'm fine j-just leave me alone for a minute" I say and the banging on the door ceases, I land on my knees my glasses fall to the floor, there are droplets on my hands, my eyes are burning and my head in pounding

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I fall to my side, I'm left alone in a dark cupboard to my own thoughts, what's wrong you me, the moment he mentions family and my whole body freezes....there never coming back Shizu you have to remember that. My whole body curls up into a ball my sniffing was the only sound I could hear.


3rd pov

As Trey was mixing the batter in front of him he would often look to the cupboard in worry over Shizuoka, when he first met her she seemed distant and very cold but right now he couldn't help but worry, was there anyway to help her out, a favourite treat he could make?

"I hope she's okay.." he whispered to himself he slowly walked over to the cupboard after a while to check on her, she was fully asleep on the floor he had a soft smile as he walked forward taking off his blazer and placing it of top of her she seemed really restless and uneasy.

"Don't worry about the tarts I'll sort it out" he whispered but just as he was about to walk away he noticed something her top button was undone and her tie was lose, now this wouldn't normally bother him as a lot of students wore the uniform differently but what drew his attention was a long mark on her neck that looked old

"What the" he whispers getting a closer look but at this Shizuoka became more restless she began mumbling things in her sleep and she seemed scared, he got down on his knees and gently stroked her back her body froze and Shizuoka restfulness began to calm down

"Just what is going on?" He whispers to himself and goes back to the mixture leaving Shizuoka alone.


Makoto was still in the garden fast asleep but Leona was having a bit of a harder time normally he would fall asleep in one second but right now he was laying there eyes closed but brain fully awake he was thinking about before

Before the cat had fallen on his tail and Ruggie came, Makoto started getting restless in her sleep which woke him up but the moment he was going to leave to sleep else where he noticed that she seemed to be in pain he was about to wake her up but she calmed down somewhat and that's when they felt pains in there tails from Grim.

He looked at Makoto he then saw her slightly shaking a bit and he doesn't know if it was instinct or what but he placed his hand on her head and slowly started to stroke it and that seemed to calm her down and she went silent her breathing slowly began to go into rhythm

"What the hell have I got myself into?" He asked himself annoyed.
Sakura was walking to her next class her heels clicking on the floor, she was walking through the seven statues and saw a familiar blue haired boy

"Good evening" she said Deuce turned around he seems a little defeated Sakura looked to Grim to see him shrug his shoulders

"You okay?" She asked confused

"Well no you see..." he then went on to explain the events that lead up to now

"Ahh I see wow that's rough buddy" she said patting his back Deuce looked down at the broken eggs

"I just hope those chicks can rest in peace." The made Sakura do a double take

"Um you do realise that these types of eggs don't hatch right?" Sakura asked this seemed to shock Deuce

"Wha....WHAAAAAT?! Are you kidding me?!" He screams making Sakura cover her ears

"Yep you see.." Sakura then goes on to explain how chickens are made the whole time she spoke Deuce looked at her like his whole life was lie this made Sakura have a mischievous smirk on her face

"So Chick-a-Dee you understand now?" Deuce just nodded and walked back in a daze to where Trey Shizuoka and Ace is Grim looked at her in confusion

"Squirrel look after him I'm scared he'll run into something and damage it" Grim just puffed out his cheeks and crosses his arms and looked away from her she smirked and the air around them goes cold

"Sooo..." she said with a close eye smiled Grim immediately flys off towards Deuce she chuckled watching him leave and began walk away

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