❤️ heartslabyul chapter 6~ lunchtime disaster ❤️

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"Myahhh let me go Shizu" Grim said thrashing around, Ace and Deuce caught up out of breath

"Sh-Sh-Shizu sorry" Deuce took a breath in and spoke again

"He- phew he was cutting class" Deuce said, Ace spoke up a little less winded

"He tried to cut class and we chased, you better make good on your promise, I want a chocolate croissants" Ace the pointed to Deuce

"A iced latte please" I sigh, they did look after him for this long, it's only fair.

"Fine" I sigh out and Grim yelled out

"Myah! I've had it with these boring classes!" He yelled out, I felt my eyes turn

"Then you'll never become a great mage" that shut him up immediately

"If you don't run away, I'll let you go" I glared down at Grim, he nods and I release my chains and Grim is free

"Look" I say and Grim looks at me pouting

"Being a great mage requires lots of training, and most of the time that training can be boring, but you'd be surprised about how much those boring lessons help you" Ace and Deuce looked at me like I'd grown a second head, Grim looked at me with wonder

"What?" I asked, Ace shook his head

"I've never seen you be so nice" I sigh

"Well we best get to lunch" I walk ahead of them, Ace and deuce look at each other and follow along with grim.
We went to the cafeteria and I was looking for a table, I saw komi and Cardia sitting together so I joined them

"Shizu chan!" Cardia hugged my waist, as I sat down

"How was class?" Komi asked me taking a bite of her food

"Fine, nothing noteworthy happed what about you two?" Cardia looked at me like a excited child

"I had so much fun, it's been ages since lessons where this easy!!" I pat her head, back at the Sawa estate, Cardia being next in line was put through lessons upon lessons ranging from etiquette to alchemy which the Sawa's were mainly known for.

"So far the lessons are fine, most of the time it felt like catch up, also have you happened to see the others" Komi said looking around

"I saw Makoto before, she helped me grab Grim but disappeared, The others I hadn't seen since this morning" as soon as the words left my mouth, I felt a chill in the air and saw Sakura, she noticed us and sat down.

"Oh you will not believe the day I've had, these boys kept coming up to me blushing and asking me out!" She slammed her food down on the table

"I swear, boys from this and our generations are not much different, I just wish to see my Makoto already" Sakura crossed her arms on the table and slammed her head in them in a huff, yeah Sakura being asked out happened so many times be made a bet, 'how long would it take a man to worm his way into sakura heart' that money is still up for grabs to this day as no-one had a shot

Just then Nanami walked in, placed her head on the desk about to sleep.

"you must at least eat something dear" Komi said worryingly to Nanami, she just grunted and was asleep

"You have no hope there, she's like a log when she sleep" Cardia chuckled saying that, me and Komi nod in agreement

"Where's Yuri?" Komi looked around but couldn't see any signs of the red head

"And my darling?!" Sakura said head now up looking around, like a meerkat we heard grim yelling and we saw Ace and Deuce talking to him

" How's it going with Grim?" Komi asked

"He tried to skip class but luckily me and Makoto stopped him" I was about to continue when we heard a commotion, we saw Grim and two angry students, we all looked at each other

"Not it" Sakura said Cardia looks at Komi and then at me

"Fine.." I sigh out and Komi gives me a little chuckle we both get up and walk to our problem Cat

"What seems to be the issue Sirs?" Komi said head tilted and hand on her chin I cross my arms looking at Ace Deuce and Grim

"Well pretty ladies this cat here ruined my lunch so I've ask for his grilled chicken in exchange" I look to Grim, to see him clutching his sandwich shaking his head no, I sigh and look to Komi

"I'm sorry gentlemen, for Grim ruining your lunch but I fear a egg for a sandwich is not a fair trade" this seems to anger the student

"Not a fair trade!!! Who do you think you are you B-" he screamed and swung his arm down at Komi, I saw her freeze, I was just about to reach out and stop him, when someone behind the student grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, he had long dark hair and a red hoodie.

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