prologue eight

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it was now morning and none of the girls had a good night sleep sakura was trying her best because late nights are the most evil to beauty but no luck, cardia got scared in the middle of the night and went to komi, makoto just slept but it wasn't comfy and woke up with a sore back, nanami is a light sleeper and all the creeks did not go unnoticed by her, grim was kicking shizuoka and sleep talking in the end shizuoka went to the chair and slept on there her back was killing her, and komi woke up to comfort cardia so nope not a good night and yuri just floated around because its not like she needs sleep

"good morning!!!!" all the ghost went to the girls room and all of them responded to same way

"SHUT UP!!" shizuoka and sakura yelled well sakura said something more rude but this is not that type of fanfic 

"GET OUT!!!" makoto and nanami and grim yelled almost in unison 

"i wanna sleep more!!!" cardia yelled and komi just sighed wanting nothing more than sleep

"well isn't it a lively morning" yuri giggle very amused with her friends

"Shut up yuri!!!" that was something they all yelled in unison 

"touchy well good morning" as yuri said that a bunch of groans were heard and grim grumbling 

"not my fault i don't need sleep now get up we have work" yuri floated out the room and the girls followed lets just say one look at them and you could tell who was a morning person and who wasn't  shizuoka was fixing her glasses, sakura was looking in a mirror trying to fix her skin, komi became a stand for cardia so she wouldn't fall over, nanami was on makoto back trying to wake up and makoto just looked into space very dazed and yuri....yuri looked like she did yesterday  

"i feel like we forgot something important" sakura yawned and stretched she turned and she woke up almost immediately

"th-th-the ghostttt!!!" she yelled now everyone was awake and sakura grabbed the closes thing to her which was a broom  

"now you notice" two of the ghost looked kinda dejected  

"we were the ones who woke you up" at that they all kinda calmed down 

"please can you drop the broom you might hurt someone" the really long ghost asked sakura and the girls were surprised by the kind action so sakura dropped the broom 

"good now look why don't we make a deal" the girls nodded suspiciously 

"we like it here and you guys can stay here as long as we can prank you, if we do that well stop trying to spook you out hows that" at the word prank yuri head shot up 

"wait are you saying we live together so long as you can prank us and you'll stop trying to spook us" shizuoka asked as if to conform what she heard was correct 

"can i add one more rule" komi asked and the ghost nodded 

"you help us with fixing up the dorm so we can actually sleep" she smiled at the ghost and just as one of the ghost was about to say no a aura came from komi

"y-y-y-y-yes!" the ghost said now very scared of the blue hair girl and the rest of the girls looked on in pity and sakura and yuri and cardia put there hands together in a prey for the ghost and the ghost looked at them with tears in there eyes whispering a thanks

"y-y-y-y-yes!" the ghost said now very scared of the blue hair girl and the rest of the girls looked on in pity and sakura and yuri and cardia put there hands together in a prey for the ghost and the ghost looked at them with tears in there eyes w...

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