❤️heartslabyul chapter 1~Shizuoka❤️

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Shizuoka pov

As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was fast asleep.
I was in front of a mirror, and I was suddenly in a rose garden one that looked all to familiar. I then heard this annoying voice.

"Hurry up and paint those roses red!" A card soldier was in front of a white rose bush, painting it red

"Slather them quickly, as aforesaid" the Ace of spade spoke out

"Hurry hurry! There are still roses left to paint!" The ace of clubs said, still painting. I was walking around taking in the scenery

"I haven't seen this place in quite some time" I look around. then a girl appeared she had bright blonde hair, with a black ribbon in it, in a blue dress and white apron and bright blue eyes.

"Why are you painting these white roses red?" She asked tilting her head, confused

"I don't remember ever seeing you before" now I was the one confused at this girl. All the card's turned to her confused

"Why you ask? it's quite simple" two of club's stated

"We planted the wrong colour, you see" they elaborated further

"The queen likes her roses red if they're while, we'll lose our heads" I put my hand to my throat feeling that scar, a image of red flashed through my mind. I shake my head and continue to watch

"Goodness" the girl said as she walked to another tree

"And so where painting the roses red" the three of clubs, said to the girl on a ladder painting another rose

Everything goes black, I'm being pulled out of my slumber and I slowly opened my eyes

"Well that was weird" she heard the sound of knocking which disturbed Grim

"Myah...hey..Shizu I know it's late I think someone's got a visitor" Grim mumbled out, but before I get out of bed and feel a weight on my shoulders and see Grim, I heard the sound of thundering footsteps walking out of a room and down to the door and then.

"YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT TIME IT IS!???!" Sakura voice boomed through the once silent dorm, so I got out of bed Grim still on my shoulder and go down to the noise, I saw Komi come out of her room and then Cardia come out of hers rubbing her eyes holding her bedding yawning, Yuri pops her head out

"Well this is certainly a way, to wake up to" she said and goes back into her room, Komi looks to Cardia

"Why don't you go back to bed?" Cardia nods and turns around leaving just me and Komi

"Well this is going to be something" I cross my arms and Komi puts a hand to her chin sighing

"That it is" Komi said then sakura voice boomed out again

"Shizu it's one of your lot!!!!!" At that they all were by the door where Sakura and Ace was, there with a weird collar on his neck and Sakura had a night gown on with her hair in rollers and a mask on, Ace walked in hands on hips.

"I can't go back to heartslabyul house I'm joining your dorm. For good" and there it is my migraine, the others look at me confused

"This is Ace Trappola, first year in heartslabyul" Komi nods remembering what I told them before

"Myah come again" Grim said wide awake and floating up of my shoulder, I simply slap my forehead.


(Riddle pov) Somewhere at heartslabyul

I was getting to bed after fulfilling all dorm head business, making sure I've done the rules for bed time, my head finally hits the pillow I was off to wonderland.

It was dark and I saw a young girl with long white hair running it looks as if she's crying.

"....I'm sorry...I-I didn't" was all I could make out, then suddenly she was surrounded by a ring of fire and yelled at the top of her lungs

"IM SORRY!!" I woke up in a cold sweat

"......what was that dream?".

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