❤️ Heartslabyl chapter 14~ changing flavours ❤️

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Okay, now we just sprinkle on a little powdered sugar, and..." Trey said and The three scream out

"Done!!!" I clap my hands Deuce looked down still processing the egg fiasco, I pat his back sometimes these two dumbasses remind me of Cardia and I want to help them out

"I'm pretty beat. Making tarts sure takes it outta you." Ace said his shoulders slumping and Grim's floating became more droopy so I offer him my shoulder he flopped on and I hear him whinnying about the Mont Blanc and how hungry he is when Cater pops up out of nowhere

"Hey fam! You look wrecked. Are the tarts done? Ooh those look sooo cute! Lemme snap a quick pic for magicam!" Before he even finished his sentence a blinding flash made my eyes go all fuzzy, what the hell happened in 200 years for that to be invented? Rubbing my eyes I checking on Grim who looks like he's seeing starts

"What, NOW you decide to show up?" Ace looked at Cater annoyed

"I just came to see how hard my little newbs were working." He said doing a peace symbol

"It's tough work if you're not used to it. But there's not better cure for the ails of the fatigue than something sweet from the oven! Help yourself to some of this Mont Blanc." Trey said offering one of the Mont Blanc, they all looked like a flock of hungry vultures

"YAY!" All of them yelled out even Grim flew off my shoulder to get to the sweets I waited until everyone got a slice, I'm not much of a sweets person it's not like I hate them I just prefer savoury to sweet, if you want to talk sweet tooth two people spring to my mind, Cardia and Nanami give them a baked treat and they will love you forever

"Oh dang..." Ace said taking a bite

"Yuum! Like and subscriiibe!" Cater said...I still don't understand his words sometimes, over all everyone looked like they where enjoying themselves and raving about each bite, this atmosphere here seems real comforting in a way

My eyes down and I place the spoon in my mouth honestly a bit to sweet for my tastes but still pretty good I give a thumbs up only to see all of them sigh and look away where they expecting something? Cater then looks up with a twinkle in his eye

"Oh, Trey! You gotta do the thing" Cater said Trey looked at him confused

"The thing? Oh...that" Trey squinted his eyes confused before they widened

"What's everyone's favourite food?" Trey spins his body and looks at us all

"Me? Probably cherry pie. Or Hamburgers" Ace said placing his finger to his chin and closing his eyes

"Canned tunas at the top of my list. Then maybe cheese omelettes, roast meat, pudding..." Grim said floating up and down mumbling of different foods

"If I had to pick, I guess I'd say... omelet rice?" Deuce said I bit unsure

"I like a nice lamb chop with Diablo sauce." Cater said now all eyes turned to me

"Lamb stew" I cross my arms and I see Trey with a soft smile

"Alright, here we go...Doodle Suit" a flash of magic shot out of Trey's hand

"Huh? This is?" Deuce asked confused Trey smiled and points to the tarts

"Now take another bite of the Mont Blanc." We all look at one another and decide to take another bite

"Huh? How- now it taste like cherry pie!" Ace eyes light up and he looked at the Mont Blanc in wonderment

"It's just like canned tuna" Grim said and continued to munch "now it taste like cheese omelette!!" Grim flew up with a happy smile on his face he looks like a child who found his favourite sweet

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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