❤️ Heartslabyl chapter 9~lunch time and dorm leader ❤️

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"Oh my Riddle, you're super crazy cute today~" Cater was trying to mediate the situation, and failing

"Hmph. Cater. If you talk too much it's going to cost you your head." The Red head said which shut him up Immediately

"Hey now, Gimme a break!" He said scratching his neck

"Ffgna! This is the guy who put the collar on me during the entrance exam!" Grim yelled at him The Red head looked Grim then at us girls

"You're the first years that caused all that fuss of expulsion yesterday, will you knock it off calling someone's unique magic a 'weird collar'?" He shook his head

"For goodness sake. The headmaster is soft. If you forgive rule breakers the whole system will collapse, All you have to do is cut the head off of those who don't follow the rules." I slowly brought my hands to my neck and a image flashed through my head, flame were surrounding me and I was back to the table to see the red head looking at me, then looks away a tint of red in his cheeks

"The headmaster appears to have forgiven you but make no mistake the next time it happens, I will not" he said and Ace decided to ask a question

"...By the way, dorm leader, is there...you could say, remove this collar?" The red head crosses his arms

"I was going to if you had learned your lesson but, the way you were talking shows that you haven't at all, keep it on for a while longer" he then looked at us

"Don't worry, as your first years you'll only be learning fundamentals, not actually using magic, You also won't cause a scene like yesterday, isn't that Great? Now don't sit around chatting away, finish lunch and head to your next class" he then looked at me and then to Ace and Deuce

"Laws of the Queen of Hearts, No. 271: 'one should eat lunch and leave their seat within 15 minutes" It felt like I was back in that damned castle

"If you break the rules...I'm sure you understand?" Something felt off with the way he said that

"Haah, another weird rule.." Ace said defeated

"The answer is, 'yes dorm leader'!" He looked to Ace and Deuce

"Yes dorm leader!!" Ace and Deuce said together

"Very good" he said and the Trey spoke up

"I will look after them for you" Trey said

"...Hm. You're the vice dorm leader so expect you to not act foolishly following the Laws of the Queen of Heart, No. 339: after a meal one must always drink lemon tea with two sugars" the Red head looked to me

"By the way I'm Riddle Roseheart, as you know I'm your dorm leader sorry for the late introduction" he said and I nod

"Anyway I must go and buy sugar cubes from the school store, so I'll be on my way" he turned around and walked away, us girls then heard it the unmistakable sound of dripping...don't tell me, my eye shoot over to Riddle but he's already gone, everything around me grew silent

"How could you shizu!!" I voice rang out in her head and I fell forward slamming one of my hand down and the other over my mouth, my neck it's burning, everyone's attention drew to me, I felt like I couldn't breath like smoke entered my lungs and restricted my oxygen flow

"Are you okay shizu ni!?" Cardia asked concerned I waved my hand in front of my face my head still down

"I'm fine no need to worry" I don't need them worried they have more pressing matters, come on body what the hell happened!!, Komi gave me a look saying we need to talk later

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