prologue three

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"looks like we gotta help" komi was still standing by kalim

"you gonna be okay"she asked kalim and he just smiled and nodded so she when to her sister

"cardia have a read on this cat" shizuoka looked to cardia and she nodded a no

"this is a catastrafy" yuri giggled at her own lame pun

"i can't do much it'll just be fire on fire" komi looked sadden that she was useless almost as useless on rainy days

"i can't do much either" cardia hugged her sister shoulder

"i have an idea plan C" as that sentence came out of sakura mouth they all pale

"no!!?!" all the girl said in unison

"last time we did that half my clothes were frozen.... and i almost got burned" makoto and komi said remembering that incident and hugging their arms

"well its either that or plan A" sakura with a pout crossed her arms

"plan A!!!" the rest said in unison

"shizuoka get on my back its gonna be a little bumpy" makoto said leaning down and shizuoka jumped on and they set of for grim

"damn shizuoka sooo lucky i wanted to ride on that back" sakura looked pissed biting at her nail

"damn shizuoka sooo lucky i wanted to ride on that back" sakura looked pissed biting at her nail

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"sakura your possessive simp side is showing" nanami looked at her friend with a hint of disgust

"well who's got popcorn wait i want a front row seat" as yuri said that she jumped and began floating with the help of magic, they all watched plan A begin to unfold

makoto speeds up on the cat and sakura ready herself just then "chain of red" shizuoka's hands had chains on then and they shot out and wrapped around grim and makoto slammed her heels in the floor to steady them the dorm leaders were impressed and azul had a gilt in his eyes watching them leona was impressed with makoto strength and riddle was stunned until

"off with you head!!!" and grim was in a collar makoto walked back with shizuoka on her back sakura was smiling but glaring daggers at shizuoka and shizuoka looked to the side sweating and getting off

"nygah the heck is this!!?" grim was thrashing around with a collar we all now looked to the cat

"laws of the queen of hearts number 23 'one shall never bring a cat into a festival' " something in shizuoka head recognised that line but decided to ignore it

"you being a cat means you've broken the rule i shall have you leave at once"

"am i the only one who thought that sounds hot" sakura mumbled and again shizuoka face palmed

"i'm not a cat!!" grim yelled that at riddle

"yea hes a squirrel" yuri yelled still up in the air

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