prologue thirteen

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Dust was everywhere a destroyed chandelier on the floor and a very dizzy grim a angry ace and a sad deuce made for a fun time ace yelled

"YOU IDIOT!!!!" Shizuoka sighed then felt a aura similar to a pissed of komi but not as evil and not as dark she turned around and saw a very angry crow looking at the trio

"We got grim but if the headmaster finds out about this we're toast" at that crowley walked into view

"If I found out about what?" Shizuoka felt a cold sweat run down her back and sighed ace and deuce gulped

"Lord one day please just one day" she wanted nothing more than to go back to the dorm and sleep of this headache

"What exactly HAPPENED HERE!!!!!" Crowley yelled at them ace and deuce began to sweat and grim was spinning in the air

"Ahhhhhh the whole world is spinning" Shizuoka walked into the room and held grim to stop him from spinning

"Thanks shizu" Shizuoka pat his head but as she did that a voice rang in her head

"You don't deserve this happiness" her voice caught in her throat her head wasn't in pain like the last time but that voice is right she didn't deserve happiness and let go of grim crowley continues

"Almost destroying a statue of the seven wasn't good enough you destroyed this chandelier" saying he was mad would be a understatement he was pissed

"This is the last straw your all expelled" at that ace and deuce yelled

"WHATTT!" Deuce then started begging

"Please please don't expelled me please I'll do anything ANYTHING" deuce was this close to going on his knees and bowing but reframed

"You have no one to blame but your own idiocy" Crowley crossed his arms in fear that deuce may try and cling onto him

"I'll pay for all the damages!!" Deuce put a hand to his chest

"You do know this is not a normal chandelier right?" Shizuoka butted in and all eyes were on her

"This chandelier is a magical flame that shall never burn out it's very old....almost as old as me" Shizuoka mumbled the last but still not believing it 200 years come on then crowley butted in

"Considering it's historical value it would cost no less than a billion madol can you pay for those damages?" Deuce and ace looked shocked

"A b b billion!!??" Deuce said in shock

"Wait hey teach can't you just fix it with magic" Shizuoka sighed at his stupidity

"I sware.... No you idiot magic is not all powerful and the main source of power was shattered in the fall" again Shizuoka could only look at them with stupidity

"I can't believe I'm in the same dorm as you.." she put a hand to get forehead feeling another migraine coming on

"This chandelier will never be lit again" Crowley put a hand to his cheek sighing ace and deuce looks so disheveled and grim was on the floor his head still spinning

"Crap what..what am I gonna tell my mother" deuce and ace looked down in defeat

"You do realise there's another way right" Crowley looked to Shizuoka and it dawned on him

"Ahh yes I forgot about that" ace and deuce looked up with hope in there eyes

"What is it??" They both yelled

"The dwarf mines" was all Shizuoka said

"The dwarf original mined the crystal" Crowley finished Shizuoka sentence

"I will go and find the crystal leave it to me" deuce put a hand to his chest

"However i have no way to know if there's any left in the mines" this caught Shizuoka attention

"Wait the mines aren't up and running anymore what happened to doc and grumpy" at that ace and deuce looked at her weird

"What are you talking about the the dwarf mines have been out of business for years" Crowley cough in order to distract them and Shizuoka was thinking

'Damn a lot has happened no more hi ho it's of to work we go I'm gonna miss that" Shizuoka though back on fond memories

"Cough cough anyway come back with a magical crystal by tomorrow of face expulsion and miss kurta your going to help them since you didn't keep an close eye on grim this is your punishment" Shizuoka nodded and sighed

"Yes sir thank you!" Was all deuce said and ace rubbed the back of his neck

"Let's get started the sooner we start the sooner we can get back to the dorms" Shizuoka nodded with ace statement

"Use the gate in the mirror it shall take you directly to the mines" Crowley gave them instructions on the way there and deuce nodded enthusiastically grim finally snapped out of his spinning and looked around

"Wha what exactly happened" grim looked around confused Shizuoka looked at him

"You probably should have stated unconscious grim"


At the mirror gate

"Okay let's get going also Shizuoka you okay?" Ace asked

"Yes I'm fine just thinking" ace nodded

"Dark mirror take us to the dwarf mines" the mirror shines and in the next second gone just as they disappeared a figure snuck by the mirror

"Ahhh shizu Chan getting a little a head now aren't we well not for longer" the figure summoned a red ball and through it in the mirror

"Good luck shizu chan~" they smiled and walked away

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