Prologue nineteen

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Shizuoka made it back to the group having fixed up her tear stained face

"Found them" she said as they went back to night raven college

"You sure your okay shizuoka?" Ace and deuce asked

"Yep I'm fine just used a lot of magic I'll be okay after some rest" they nod and in the mirror chamber was the headmage

"Pardon!!! You're telling me you actually went to the dwarf mine in search of the megastone!?" Crowley said astonished

"Uh...yeah?" All of us said together

"I didn't expect that you'd seriously do it" Shizuoka deadpanned

"And never in my wildest imagination did I think you'd actually returned with the magic stone and here I spent all evening preparing your expulsion documents" did he seriously have that little faith in us shizuoka wondered

"Seriously while we where fighting some crazy monster for you you where expelling us?!" Grim yelled mad

" 'monster?' " Crowley asked

"Yeah there was monster alright a big nasty one it nearly killed us" ace said

"Would you kindly relate this story in full" Crowley asked a sensible questions

They where now in the headmage office retelling the night's events

"Hmmmmmm so a mysterious monster was living in the mine and the four of you worked together to destroy it, and then brought it's megastone back to me?" Crowley confirmed what we where saying and ace replied

"I don't know that I'd call it 'working together' " ace replied scratching his head shizuoka just sighed she would slap her forehead but by now she was just to tired and wanted to go to sleep

"It was more like we just happened to share the same goal at the same time..." deuce said almost agreeing with ace

"Oh, gracious....Ohh...Ohhhhhhhh!" The crow suddenly started crying and that gave Shizuoka the chills even grim looked scared

"What is this guy's deal!?! Burstin' into tears in public? At his age?!" Grim hid behind Shizuoka

"In all the decades I've worked at this school...the day has finally come when the students of Night raven collage have joined hands together to defeat a common foe!" Crowley said still crying and Ace and deuce went on the defensive and Shizuoka shook her head waiting to go back to the dorm

"Whoa! No! No way would I join hands with that guy!" Deuce said first then ace followed it up

"Okay one there was no joining of hands. Gross and two exactly HOW old are you, headmage" Shizuoka thought to herself 'younger than me'

"At this moment, I moved beyond words this incident has my hopes justified, Shizuoka I must ask something of you" Shizuoka nods at the crow and he then turns to ace and deuce

"Trappola, spade I hereby revoke your pending expulsions! And Shizuoka I need you to watch them for me the others can help with grim I'm leaving those two to you" Shizuoka felt a migraine come on immediately after the crow said that

"Also so long as you look after them all I can let the cat join the school so long as you seven look after him" Crowley said and grim looked like we was about to cry

"There must be no further incidents like the one that occurred today are we clear?" Crowley looked and the three and grim hide further behind Shizuoka silently crying tears of joy

"Myah myah shizu I...I finally" grim couldn't finish his sentence and Shizuoka patted his head sighing and giving and nod to the cat

"Good on you grim" and grim flew up high into the air screaming

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