Prologue seventeen

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(Back at the dorm aka the dingy old house)

Five of the seven girls where at the dorm looking at each other

"Where's shizu and yuri?" Komi asked sitting down on the settee with cardia asleep on her lap

"Not a clue" Sakura said filing down her nails next to a sleeping makoto and nanami

"That's strange they should be back by now?" Komi asked her instincts kicking in

"I'm sure their fine they can protect themselves" sakura said looking satisfied at her nails

"I know they can but....I just got this strange feeling like something bad is going to happen" komi said rubbing cardia head sakura sighs and finally looks komi in the eyes

"They'll be fine but now that you mention it there is a weird feeling I sensed it back at my dorm" komi looked at sakura

"Me to" the duos eyebrows furrowed as they looked at there sleeping friends and sister komi then looks out into the window at the moonlight

"It's almost like back then..." Sakura nods at komi usually sakura is the most talkative and sassy trying to cheer people up but tonight everything in the world felt stale


(Back at high ho land aka dwarf mine)

Everyone was in position outside the cave so Shizuoka gave the signal to grim to begin

"H-hey monster! I'm, uh.....I-I'm over here!" Grim yelled into the cave and the ground began to shake

"Grrraawwwwrrr! BEGOOOOONE!" The creature yelled emerging from the cave like some hungry animal who just found food

"He's comin' our way shizu!" Grim yelled floating past her with the beast on his tail into the wood shizuoka nods slowly her chains started to emerge from her hand she shot them in front of the cave so the creature can't get back in

"Now!" She yelled to ace for the next part of the plan

"You bet. I got this! One extra large gust of wind comin' right up!" Ace yelled wind surrounded the creature and grim piped up

"With a side of grim's blazin'- hot fire MYAAAA!!" Blue flames surrounded the creature as well because of the wind ace created it fed the fire more making it more fierce

"How's that taste?! With my winds fanning them, even grim's feeble flames can become an inferno" ace said half complementing grim Shizuoka chains wrapped around the trees and surrounded the monster a bead of sweat made it down her forehead bother her arms where holding up the chain to keep them strong she in then looked to deuce who in turn looked at her and she's nods signalling him

"Get em' cauldron" a huge black cauldron materialised and fell from the sky onto the creatures head

"Nailed it! The plan's working'! Look shizu-" grim turned with a smile on his face to Shizuoka but that soon tuned to shock

"Grrrrr" Shizuoka was on the ground sweat covering her forehead hugging herself pale a shaking grim immediately flew over to her

"You okay shizu?!" Her breathing was laboured but as soon as grim came into view she shook her head and looked to grim

"I-I'm fine just a bit to much magic for one day" she said between breathes she slowly got to her feet shakily ace and deuce looked at her

"You guys go ahead I'll wait here catch my breath" the duo looked at each other and nods and goes into the cave not without looking at her for a brief moment and they where no longer in view

"Go grim" he shook his head but shizu

"They need you more than me to help them" grim breaths out

"Myyya okay" and he flew of after ace and deuce into the cave she then looked to the creature

".......been a long time grumpy" he was silent

"What happened to doc?" he looked up at the name mentioned

"Or dopey or sleepy or happy or sneez-"

"GRRRRAAAAAAA!!" He yelled loudly cutting Shizuoka off she sprang into action and use he chain to try him down

"Sorry this is gonna hurt" her eye glowed crimson and her chains tightened

Just then another calutron came out of the sky and another one and another one that seemed to make him angrier and then heard 3 voices coming from the cave

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Just then another calutron came out of the sky and another one and another one that seemed to make him angrier and then heard 3 voices coming from the cave

"...g-grumpy" her chains slowly slipped loosened and vanished all together she fell on her knees coughing

twisted wonderland and the 7 wonders (twisted wonderland x ocs)Where stories live. Discover now