Prologue eighteen

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Shizuoka looked up and felt someone grab her hand and started running away for some reason her vision was blurry and she couldn't make out who it was

"Are you kidding it's still following us...Hey! Shizu you okay you don't look so good?" She nods her head

"Fine just keep running!" They ran fast

"Ts to fast it's about to catch us!" Shizuoka shook her head her vision was some what a bit clearer now she saw the creature was coming towards them

"Now is the time to strike" she looked down and saw that her chains where now transparent meaning her magic was draining she looked at the two hoping they had some magic left

"Aw fine! Let's just smash the thing try not to wet yourself, deucey!" Ace yelled out

"same to you ace!" Deuce said ready to fight

"I'm gonna show ya why they call me grim the great!" Grim said blue fire surrounding them the tree looked to Shizuoka

"You sit this one out!" Ace and deuce said in sync she blinked and put both hands up

"Okay sadly I can't help much my magic needs rest" they nod and the three spring into action unleashing attack after attack wind fire and...caldrons appeared Shizuoka was on the floor watching them and after a long while the creature went down

"Is it.....over?" Ace asked uncertain

"I think....we won I think we did it!" Grim said

"All right!" Deuce yelled out excited

"Wooooo!!" Ace yelled out

"Gimme a victory high five!" Grim ace and deuce all gathered around for a high five

"Yeah!!!" They all said together shizuoka got up clucking her side

"Shared adversity's bring together a close bond" the happy moment turned and the three took a step away from each other

"Uh I don't think that has any to do with it" deuce said embarrassed

"Yeah spear us the cliches Shizuoka" ace said rubbing his head embarrassed

"There no 'together' here! We won 'cause of me!" Grim yelled puffing out his chest proudly

"This is all from me bein' a magical genius!" Grim said ace deuce and Shizuoka shook there heads

"Y'know.....I hate to admit it but, we mostly won because of your plan" ace turned to Shizuoka with a smile

"Yeah if you hadn't managed to keep your cool and tell us all what to do, we never would have got this megastone" deuce said patting Shizuoka back

"Now I won't get expelled" deuce said with relief and happiness on his face shizuoka nods

"We all won because everyone pitched in" she said looking at the group

"Yeah yeah lessons where leaned et cetera can we just go home already? I'm wiped" ace said looking haggard

"Usin' all that magic made me hungry!" Grim said rubbing his stomach

"What's this?" Grim flowered down to the floor and picked up a black stone

"Is that a part of the monster we just beat? It looks like a megastone but it's black as coal! I've never seen one like that before" deuce said inspecting the stone

"*sniff* *sniff* what is this? It smells amazing" grim said sniffing the stone he looks about ready to eat it

"Are you insane?" Ace said to grim

"Must be some kinda fancy monster candy that it was hidin from us! If this tastes half as good as it smells...." Grim thin in the next second put it in his mouth and swallow it shizuoka grabbed grim turned him upside down and shook him

"Spit it out!" She yelled shaking him then let go realising he already swallowed it and it was useless to try she slammed her forehead

"Are you okay?" Deuce asked concerned

"That's what you get for eating trash!" Ace said slamming his forehead like Shizuoka

"Oooooogh......urrrrggggh....that...was..AMAZING!!" Grim yelled with a delighted look on his face

"What?!" Shizuoka ace and deuce yelled concerned

"Rich in flavour and full bodied like sweet fragrant flowers burstin' into bloom on my tongue a whole field of em right in my mouth!" grim said

"Does he always talk like that?" Deuce whispers to Shizuoka

"No first I've heard him speak like that" Shizuoka replied

"Gross monsters must have real weird tastes" ace said look grossed out

"You might be onto something there...." Deuce said

"I have no clue if ya want magic beast best one to ask is nanami" they looked at her shocked

"The one who's always sleeping?" Shizuoka nods

"Yep she has a bond with animals if she's not sleeping on makoto back she's snoozing away with animals around here" that shocked them

"Are you sure your okay?" Shizuoka asked grim

"Myaaah ha ha ha! Man, was that great!" Grim said happily

"Don't worry about me I don't got a weak stomach" grim said

"Hmph we'll see if you're so smug when you're sick later tonight" ace said Shizuoka runs her head

"Don't tempt it I'll have to clean that mess up" ace gave her a sympathetic look

"Okay let's pull ourselves together we need to get this megastone to the headmage" deuce said pumped up they started to walk away when Shizuoka went to push her glass up out of instinct only to be met with nothing she traced her face and realised her glasses there gone!

"Sorry guys my glasses have disappeared I'll meet ya back at the mirror" before the tree could say anything she ran of to where the monster was taken down

".......I hoped you where able to find peace grumpy" she said finding her glasses on the floor next to some torched grass and putting them on she looked to the floor seeing a brown hat she bends down to pick it up and only to feel a tap on the shoulder she turned and her eyes went wide

"Grumpy?!" She yelled he gave her a smile and points behind him she looked to be met with the his brother's

"Because of you guys I'm free thank you truly thank you" she nods

"What happened ?" He frowns

"it was a normal day like any other we where digging up some stones when I found this black stone I picked it up thinking it was charcoal next thing I know my body was being controlled my mind was there but my body moved on it's on and I-I" Shizuoka got the idea and nods stopping him before he broke down

"It's not your fault grumpy" doc said smiling as did the rest of his brothers

"Yes grumpy honestly I wish I could've been here to help you" he shushed me

"Shizu don't think about the past otherwise you'll drive yourself crazy and trust me your brother wouldn't want to see that" her eyes widen it finally hits her everyone she's ever knew is gone beside the girls and her hunt for her brother his over tears starts to fall from her eyes

"Ooh now now don't be upset we may be gone but we'll always be watching over you my dear" happy said smiling and dopey nods patting her head with his hand cover by his sleeve with a dopey smile

"Sorry you guys not normally this emotional" she said rubbing her tears away grumpy smiles

"Come on shizu when was the last time you smiled? Why don't you give us one and when we meet again we meet again with a smile?" Grumpy said and shizu rubs her tears away and for the first time in a long time...she smiled

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