• The Planning Of Surgical Solutions •

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It was an impulsive burst of words of his that led Mrs. and Mr. Bakugou to be aware of the concept of "cochlear implant surgery".

The day was not stressful or bad per se, it was simply a day of freer and more inflated emotions.

Over text, his father and he spoke about important matters. Being reminded– or rather, warned– that Kirishima will not be there always to help him had set off a sour taste in his mouth. He agrees and fully understands, although he bitterly does so. He had told his father about getting surgery to no longer have to rely on sign language, which his father had immediately taken up with his wife. From there, the topic was no longer in the hands of two teenage boys.

The process ate up two weeks from their summer-themed calendar. Researching, planning, scheduling, and figuring out who was going to pay or how they were going to pay– in the time that it took to put what once seemed like an overrated dream, Bakugo had found himself comforting his distress with "I still got weeks to go still".

Until "weeks to go still" became three weeks.
Until three weeks of preparation became two days...


>"We want you home after you have the surgery"

The text, atrocious in the eyes of Bakugou, was left on "read" minutes after it had been sent by his mother. The boy contemplated bringing the wish up to Kirishima, though, his mother had sent something more.

>"Eijiro won't be able to take care of you
>"I know he's good and all but you need proper care to heal up
>"Your father will pick you up right after it and bring you home
>Behave with him, brat

"I won't heal at fucking all with you two"
"I'm not leaving the dorms"
"I don't need anybody fucking taking care of me, you hag"

"Spare the gas and leave it alone"

>"do you really think you'll be able to raise your ass off the bed after the surgery?"
>"Let alone look after yourself?"
>"Stop being a dumb brat"

He grits his teeth as his phone nearly creaks beneath his beast-like grip.

"I'm not going back"
"Fuck off, I'm serious"

Two hands sink into his hair from behind, just in time to catch him from slipping into an ugly state of anger. The screen blackens from the push of a button and he turns on the sofa, his brows relaxing even if just a tad from his sight.

"Want to come up to my room? I want to watch a movie," the boy naively asks.

Kirishima has been doing a considerable lot to keep Bakugou's mood stable throughout the last few days before the surgery. Movies and cuddling have been doing their good deed, and naps have surprisingly done their toll on his stress. Though, Kirishima's presence has unintentionally been the most comforting thing.

His phone is tucked into his pocket and he's led by the hand into the other's bedroom, with a simple question of "what movie?".

"Anything you want," is given up by the one who tugs him into bed, wrapping those delicate but equally firm arms around him and enveloping him in a warmth irreplaceable by any other type of good feeling. Sinking into his comfort is as easy as breathing, but how easily he feels comforted even against the biggest of terrors whenever that chest serves as his cushion, his warm pillow, scares him.

Ten minutes are poured into some comedy movie that he had randomly and carelessly chosen for the two to watch when Bakugo's head raises, his nose nearly poking the underside of Kirishima's chin. No word is necessary, as his gaze is already met along with a gentle smile.

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