• Victory Is Hopeless, Surrender Your Blood. •

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Rain, rapid and cold, feeling like sharp needles digging into their roughed-up skins, heavily poured from above them, at a time where everyone was blinded by fog, rain, and chaos. They had been fighting for hours, and much to their dread, the heroes were scattered far from one another. As intended, tragedy only broke loose upon separating each group of heroes... It was a strategy from the villains, it was, unfortunately, working on their part.

Charging into battle once more, pumped up with determination and chivalry despite aching exhaustion, the two ran by each other's side, shouting demands and warnings at each other at each given chance. If Kirishima stopped, Bakugou stopped. If Bakugou stopped, Kirishima stopped.

Kirishima lunges himself into the air, fiercely exposing himself again after gaining himself a weapon, from a former enemy. Without reluctance in sight, he slices through a villain with the worn-down sword he'd acquired. Bakugou jumps over him and kicks down another, exploding that scowling face and knocking him out of the challenge instantly.
Their exhaustion only deepened... this was yet to become one of their longest fights.

And for two teenagers, this was hell brought down to earth.

"Get the FUCK OFF HIM!"

It was as such throughout the entire fight- Of course, they had grown more desperate as the fight went on- They looked after each other's backs as the others looked for where they had landed.

"The sun's going down already-" the hardening hero slurred out, wiping spit, or blood, he wasn't too sure, from his chin with a trembling arm. "How much longer do we have to do this for-?!" He'd shrieked, stumbling forward another step.

"We're fucking trapped. No one is going to find us."

The blonde's harsh tone lowers still, if possible, along with his head. His glare is unlike any other. "We're at war, Kirishima." He ruthlessly pinpoints. "And I'm not fucking giving up." He asserts.

Kirishima had a feeling in his stomach that he hated. Despite his fears and limits, he continues fighting, because he knew that was what Bakugou wanted.

There wasn't a way you could put the words 'Surrender' and 'Bakugou' in the same descriptive sentence, in Bakugou's world. That, as much, Kirishima has learned the hard way. And in this war... it showed.
Despite the excessive bleeding, he fought on. Despite the faltering limbs, the dizziness, the worn-out quirk, Bakugou kept on marching forward.

And so, riled up with inspiration and chivalry, Kirishima fought on despite the burning feeling something was wrong in his stomach.
He fought despite the unbearable pain he felt for passing his limits.
He fought for him, to make him proud.

He would be proud, right?

Would he be proud, if he were watching him? Instead of suffering, himself?

Kirishima's thoughts had gone too far, he missed the opportunity to dodge and failed at hitting a villain charging towards his way.
With a cry, he was kicked down.

And that cry, was what poisoned Bakugou with fury, and rage.

In sharp instinct, he'd cried, "KIRISHIMA!"


His feet abruptly change directions, and he unreluctantly charged towards them. Flares lit up the darkened battlefield as he punched, exploded, and kicked down the four men that now attacked Kirishima. Each punch he threw was another insult that spilled out of his mouth.

He helps Kirishima up at a fast pace and shoves his sword towards him, sputtering an angered, "Get ready to fight again."

Kirishima, feeling nothing but shame boil inside him, mutters, "S-Sorry,- It won't happen again-"


Kirishima was bleeding terribly, his quirk was worn out and his limbs burnt extremely. A gash on his right arm took away its usability.
Nothing changed much for Bakugou, either. Equally, he was in horrible shape. His forearms were busted, and each time he forced his quirk, a weak cry choked its way out of his lips.
They were both at their limits, but that didn't mean 'surrender' just yet.

Some place still far from them, Deku, Shoto, Uravity, and Ingenium fought alongside each other. Or, as they hoped, was alongside each other. They wondered if they still kept up strong, however.

As they charge into another mountain of debris, they're met with another tedious, overwhelming challenge. One of which presented itself loudly, and boldly.


And much to Kirishima's horror, with a swing, Bakugou was down.
He'd barely seen it, and was too late to step in the way... though a villain had taken a heavy metal beam to Bakugou's back, shoving him forward and down onto the mud.

Beyond his control, a scream crawled its way up Kirishima's clenched up throat. "NO! BAKUGOU GET UP! KEEP FIGHTING!"

A piercing scream made his ears bleed, the sight was stomach-turning.


Countless of them swarmed Bakugou, no room was given for the hero to even stand. Kirishima tried to push himself through, slicing and punching to the best he could at that point.
All in the while he desperately cried for Bakugou.

"Kiri-sh..ima-! Get.. Away fr..om here...! I.. Have a plan...!"

If he trusted Bakugou any less, a lot more convincing would have gained that reaction from him. His heart hurt, but he did it. He ran away and stood back, he watched in horror as countless villains made it impossible to even spot Bakugou.

But that didn't last for long.
His eyes couldn't believe it.

Within seconds, another piercing scream. Followed by that, possibly the largest explosion Kirishima had seen.

"BAAKUGOOOU!!!" He cried out desperately.


Reminder: The book was not deleted, nor is it missing. This book is edited from its original copy (due to a rather confusing way of jumping towards plot peaks, spelling mistakes, and an overall amount of blurry or unsatisfactory [in the writer's eyes] scenes), therefore new scenes and a cleaner plot has been added. Updates are slow, but surely coming. Thank you!

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