• A Deal Made Between Love Fools •

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Kirishima was second to be released from the hospital, Todoroki being the first. They returned to their homes instead of the dorms, where their parents could look after them closely in case anything else showed up with them, side-effects from medication, any sudden pains, etc...

On the third day of resting Kirishima and Todoroki meet up to visit the ones who still rested at the hospital, and to meet up with Midoriya and Uraraka, as they were being let out already as well.

They walked alongside each other in heavy silence, making it seem to any other stranger that passed by that the two were mere strangers to one another, walking alongside each other. The silence quickly struck Todoroki as a minor bother, until it built upon itself enough to have him break the silence. He clicks his tongue and digs his hands deep into his pockets.

"I couldn't help but notice... You have gotten much quieter after... Everything happened... You must have been horrified,"

Kirishima shivers at the memories from that night, feeling repulse drown over him from having been reminded of them. He'd choose to discard those memories if he had the chance to.

"But I know Bakugou's going to be okay. He's strong, that's something he didn't allow us not to learn about him."
"He's going to be the last one released from the hospital. Iida is going to recover and he'll be alone--" He neglectfully spat, until he stops himself. A new idea dawned on him, which he found to be better. "Actually scratch that- I'm staying at that hospital until he's let out."

"I don't think they'll let you stay,- I've been in those situations-"
"It doesn't matter if I can or not. I will."

A pause settles.

"You really care about him." He points out without reason.

"I don't care about hiding it anymore. Words can't describe how much I care about him."

Todoroki looks off to the side, biting back words. He's hidden those types of thoughts for long... though, for the sake of keeping any sort of conversation going, perhaps in attempts to have Kirishima's frown lessen, he commits to sharing, as well.

"I care about someone a lot too..." He began with a shrug, "But lucky for you," he pointed, "it's clear that Bakugou cares about you just as much...- I know what you're talking about." Todoroki covered. "The one I care about cares about someone else."

Kirishima looks up at him with squinted eyes, he felt bad for him. "Damn.. I-... I'm sorry to hear-"

"Don't be. It's what happens when I think I have any purpose in trying to live a normal civilian life."

Kirishima's eyes widen slightly. He's taken back at the suddenness. "D-Dude, don't say things like that-- You'll find someone, you just have to keep--" he tried.
" "Keep looking? Keep being determined? Keep playing at my emotions' hands"?" He mockingly repeated, "No thank you, sounds like a waste of time for my case. I've come here to become a pro hero... not some normal, lost lover."

He could see Todoroki's eyes redden, it wasn't a usual sight. He wanted to hug him, but he knew it wouldn't do much.

" "I shouldn't get attached to anyone"... It's what I told myself before I got into U.A." He spits.

He looks down, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he becomes choked back from words.

"I just hope... She treats him well... Like he deserves to be treated..."
"Hey, it's alright... You'll be happy for him if he's happy, right..? If you really like someone, you just want the best for them... I- I don't mean you wouldn't be the best for them-!"
"No, I understand," Todoroki claims with a heavy sigh. "I will be happy as long as he's happy. And... If Midoriya will be happy with her.. Then... So be it... I'll be happy for him..."

Another sigh is surrendered along with a shudder mirroring something that has clearly made him uncomfortable, from nowhere... he glares on with a disappointed scowl.

"I'm sorry, this isn't about me," he grits out, "how embarrassing...". He squirms and his shoulders cringe up, his eyes no longer being able to land on the one he walks with. Silence settles again. Kirishima awkwardly kicks a pebble, watching it roll off into the street beside them.

"Is... Is it clear Bakugou cares about me...?" He quietly asks as he feels his body and mind wrangle for hope.

Todoroki hesitates in thought, though, it wasn't for long. He's in search of anything that allows them to move on from his moment. "Without question. Bakugou never gives anyone a chance, he never bothers to talk to anyone. He sees something in you, that's clear."

Kirishima looks down in thought, he hesitated to say anything more.

"You should go for it." He flatly claims.

His expression is stolen with disappointment, just then, from having to explain his viewpoint any further. "Try to build something with him. You guys balance each other out, I guess," he continued on, sounding a bit more frustrated than before, "and I guess Bakugou would stop being so stuck up in his own mind if he had someone like you."

Kirishima stops in his tracks, Todoroki slowly comes to a stop a few steps ahead of him.

"We'll make a deal, then..."
He holds out his hand in between them, beginning a deal. "I'll try my best to come forward to him... I'll try my best to.. No, I will tell him how I feel... And you'll find someone that will make you happy."

Todoroki glances down at the hand and up at Kirishima's eyes hesitantly, he furrows his eyebrows in uncertainty. Once again, embarrassment resurfaces in him.

"Kirishima, I-..."
"No, come on." He insists, pushing his hand further towards him, "You deserve to be happy too... Everyone does. You deserve someone- Someone who can make you happy, someone who can share happy moments... Sad moments... Fears, shames, joys,- Everything."

Todoroki's body freezes in place, and he stares at Kirishima's hand with eyes that spill hesitancy. He draws in a deep breath and takes a step towards him, grabbing his hand with a confident mask now over his feared expression. The term "okay..." falls from frowning lips.


I won't let any of these fuckers near me...
Only ONE person can be near me...
I only want him near me...

Reminder: The book was not deleted, nor is it missing. This book is edited from its original copy (due to a rather confusing way of jumping towards plot peaks, spelling mistakes, and an overall amount of blurry or unsatisfactory [in the writer's eyes] scenes), therefore new scenes and a cleaner plot has been added. Updates are slow, but surely coming. Thank you!

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