• Paranoia •

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Skies still owned rich blues and black shades, heavy with stormy clouds brought from the south.
A phone alarm blasted into the silence, pulling Kirishima from slumber. He'd purposefully given himself ten extra minutes to pull himself together and gather his thoughts before leaving the room.

Ten minutes were spent focused on him, who laid so perturbed and restless beside him. He'd gone as far as to wonder if he stood as a reason that his brows furrowed so hurtfully during his sleep. When he'd awoken, his hand was over his between their heads. Accidental or not, his heart bled and screamed over it-- his soul drowned in shame for how he spent his ten minutes trying to convince himself out of thinking that Bakugo thinks of him in a way that he wants him to. He wound himself up to gently slid his hand out from under his and carefully climbed off of the bed.

He gathered the things he had prepared the night prior, allowing Bakugo's constant shifting to remove himself from his task to fix his blanket over the leg that he'd kicked out, and approached the door. He looked back, his stomach churning upon his realization-- three full weeks away from him wouldn't sound like the end of the world if it weren't for Bakugo's new vulnerability.

After another softened gaze, a sorrowed "bye, Baku... I'll be back. Soon, hopefully." being thrown into the quiet room, he makes his way out of the dormitories.


It was the dusk of dawn, Bakugou already awakens with a hole in his heart.
His eyes open to an empty spot next to him, his eyebrows furrow.
He sits up and looks around the room, a heavy wave of loneliness crashes over him. He curls his knees up to his chest and hugs them tight, he didn't feel the need to hold back a tear.

He left already. God damn it... He didn't even wake me up...

He lays his head on his knees and lets another tear slide.
His leaving isn't what aches-- how Kirishima had left yet again leaving him without an answer crushes his heart more than what he hoped it had.

That morning had started roughly... overcoming the mountain of demotivation was unbearably draining. He'd grown used to waking up and being at his side first thing in the morning, having his day be introduced in a way much sweeter than he'd expected, or asked for. A smile from him was enough to put the unsettling anxiety in him at ease. This morning, that smiling encouragement embodied in a person isn't here, to greet him.

Eventually, he'd dragged himself out of bed, wary of any movement, change of shadows or light, or vibrations. He's made it a habit to walk closer to walls, with a hand gliding against its cold surfaces as he traveled about at the dorms. Vibrations and sight were his only method of ensuring himself to be somewhat aware of his surroundings.
He brushed his teeth and even put in the effort to change himself into everyday attire. It drained him a bit more, though, he's come to accept the fact that anything and everything will be draining for the next few days... months, years, perhaps.

Consequent to arriving back at his dorm room, he'd jumped in startle as he's reminded his phone is in his sweats' pocket. It vibrated once, its pattern indicating him of it being a text message. He turns on his phone with an agitated heart, still. He can't help but smile softly, he felt remembered.

Surely, it's a text message, amongst about twenty-eight others from other people. A text message from Kirishima.
A lengthy text message from Kirishima. Well, lengthier than his usual broken-up line-by-line text messages.
Something about the thought of Kirishima taking his time to write something out, of this length, gave his heart a moment to rest in glee. A good victory of a game he's yet unsure why he currently plays... a game he's unwillingly been dragged into.
How Kirishima's written out full words, instead of any of the usual shortcuts, like "bc" or "brb", or "sys", adds specialty to it.

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