• The Yellow Pathway Of Recovery •

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Each week seemed to attract a new person.

Within my first week, Aizawa-sensei stopped by the dorms.


The man tugs his shoes off with eyes that wander far into the building already, showing little to mild struggle as he pinches back the back of his left shoe. His face has since gained a new look ever since the day his students were given a mission too out of their reach to complete alone.

He had since then pressed the school until their actions met their consequences. Students were now supplied with better communicatory means and a lengthy speech had been sent to both parents and guardians and to students; something along the long and sincere lines of "despite having sent enough heroes to back up the many groups of students with facility on the day of the accident, we had still been dispersed by the enemy's fool-proof way of separating the weaker from the strong, resulting in the vast difficulty that our heroes were met with in finding our students before possibly irreversible injuries were gained" and "our pride has been severely wounded as we regret to inform the number of injured heroes we had returned home with, although are beyond amazed and proud at our students who exceeded our expectations when it came down to keeping our city safe against a real threat".

Though he had agreed with every said word, his gut twists in remorse and shame nevertheless.

With the others now physically healed and being followed with what he had made sure was the best of therapeutic aid, his focus has now turned on who he currently struggles to even look at.

Bakugo Katsuki; his sixteen-year-old student whose safety he was in charge of, that day, though the student he failed to find amongst chaos before the worst of worlds had happened. The student who, in his eyes, has lost the ability to hear due to his mistake as a hero and as a teacher.

He greeted Tokoyami in the living room, and Todoroki had come downstairs to greet him after he had heard that he would visit.

"Is Bakugo here?" He had asked, and Todoroki had brought up the possibility that the boy had fallen asleep. His expression droops upon the statement.

Kirishima had accompanied the boy downstairs once they were alerted of their teacher's presence at the dorms. Bakugo had a feeling, right off the bat, that his presence had something to do with him.

Privacy was asked for between him and the student, though Kirishima was asked to stay as Aizawa's only source of translation. He had beamed an effortless smile and had taken a seat beside Bakugo, his hands ready to provide speech.

Bakugo gave a curt nod when the teacher motioned a hello. From there, he had claimed: "I heard the surgery was successful, and I came here to check up on you."

"I don't need a babysitter." That was all he had said in return.

"I know. But I do feel like you and I should have a conversation ever since what happened."

He gave the man a strange, reluctant glare. "I'm also not here to make small talk so you can make yourself feel better," he had claimed, though, he had made no effort in leaving the room when his teacher opened the conversation.

"I thought the letter that Principal Nezu sent you all was... not good." The man claimed, nodding during his pause as Kirishima translated. "And as the person who should have protected you guys, I think that a message directly from me would be better."

He continued on with a sincere: "I've been working on this for weeks. I didn't care if the people at the school didn't agree with me, and I know that not only your parents, but our city agree with me when I say that you, along with the others who participated in taking down Takahashi's men and protecting our city and civilians from their genocide deserve what I've put together for you."

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