• A Living Nightmare •

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It was terrible, his vision was clouded by debris and ashes, and whatever else lingered in the filthy, dense air, and he constantly tripped over either a body, or loose debris, or uneven terrain. His heart was at his throat, his mind was beyond repair, and he was walking in the middle of a death pit. He felt sick to his stomach.

The more he approached the sight of the explosion, the stronger the smell of nitroglycerin got. He had to cover his nose and mouth so he wouldn't pass out, which only worsened his air quality.
His steps were dragged so he wouldn't step on anyone or anything. He would feel terrible if he accidentally stepped on Bakugou and worsened his injuries.

The only 'positive' aspect of this situation was that no more villains seemed to make their way towards him.

"Bakugou!" He called out desperately. He's moved on from the whole "heroes don't cry", and let it all loose despite him knowing he can't control it, either way. He feels as though he'll be able to hold onto pride, at least, if he tells himself that he let himself cry over the situation.

His ears rung immensely, too. He couldn't imagine how Bakugou's ears felt.
His steps had begun to grow faster until he entered a light jog. He panted and wheezed horribly, he coughed up blood and the ashes and smoke he inhaled.

A few feet from him, something crucially familiar stuck out of the ground.
Bakugou's headpiece.

"BAKUGOU!" He shouted.

He skidded on his knees and picked him off the ground, his heart shattered at the sight.
His skin was terribly covered in ashes and soot, not to mention covering the burnt pieces of flesh at his forearms and hands... He was unconscious, and bleeding profusely, his forearms were totaled.

He was dying, was Kirishima's immediate thought.

His head fells limp in his hands, yet he hugs it up to his chest, anyhow. He's retching forward at each cry, each scream he gives...


He didn't care about how much pain he was in. He swallowed his cries, threw the unconscious hero over his shoulders, and marched on forward. He wanted to cry, still, and to let it all out, but he knew that if he did, he wouldn't be able to think straight any longer.

First things first, find where they were.

"Bakugou, if you can hear me..." He choked out through the pain. "Keep fighting bro... Y-You're so strong- You can get past this... Fight the pain, and fight the unconsciousness... We will win..."
He stumbled slightly, but regained balance and continued on forward. Like Bakugou would have been doing.

"Together... We'll get out of this together..."


"KIRISHIMA!" A cry sobbed out from in front of him.

He raised his head, the sight brought tears to his eyes.

Ingenium, Shoto, Deku, Uravity... They were totaled...
Deku was carrying Uravity; she seemed to have both of her legs broken. Kirishima feels sick at the question, how? How did that happen...
Ingenium, he currently dragged his left leg, it seemed to be paralyzed, or fractured... Shoto was helping Ingenium walk, but he himself looked frozen, and badly burnt at the same time. All in all, neither look anywhere near to be "okay".

He exhaled a weak cry, stammering a defeated and overly relieved "G-Guys..." as he stumbled his last few steps forward.

"K-Kacchan-!! Oh my god-!"
"We-We need help..." He cried quietly.

They stuck together this time, they were overwhelmed with emotion. Kirishima was hanging on by a thread- Each second he could feel Bakugou's breathing get more shallow against his back.

Iida, the one who usually cheered everyone up and spread positivity through the group, was completely silent.
Uraraka, who was also the source of positivity and hope, was crying quietly and otherwise silent as well.
Midoriya was clearly forcing himself way beyond what he should have been, each step he took was another bloody footstep he trailed behind.
Shoto, the determined, stone-faced one was crying himself. He shook violently, his legs faltered constantly yet he refused help from anyone.

This was not what Kirishima pictured their futures to be like.
This was a nightmare.
This was hell.


"Thank god... Oh... O-Oh god, Thank you..."

As soon as they saw the helicopter fly above them, they burst into tears.
They didn't care about acting strong at that moment,- That was all they had been doing.
They were nearly paralyzed from pain, and they were on the line of losing the one they cared about so deeply-
Bakugou's breathing was nearly gone.
Uraraka struggled to stay awake.
Todoroki could no longer walk.

The helicopter lowered, five paramedics stepped out hurriedly and immediately attended to the survivors.
They were loaded into the helicopter and didn't try forcing them away from each other that much- It would be impossible.

Midoriya couldn't look at Bakugou. Iida was horrified. Uraraka was now unconscious as well. Todoroki slipped in and out of hypothermia. Kirishima was nearly passing out himself.

Kirishima leaned over that stretcher, pouring his heart out over the still unconscious hero. His hand clutched onto his bizarrely cold, yet hot hand, as he repeated over and over, the same few things...

"I-If he dies.. I-I'm d-dying with h-him..."
"K-Kiri don't..Say that..." Midoriya had weakly whispered.

"Y-You don't understand..." he whimpered, "I c-can't lose h-..im..."

He looked at the paramedics desperately and weakly, his eyes twinkled with a type of pain no one that young should experience.

"Pl..ease... Save him..."
His grip on Bakugou's already freezing cold hand tightened, yet, in a heart-wrenching weak way.

"D-Don't let h-..im... die..."


Reminder: The book was not deleted, nor is it missing. This book is edited from its original copy (due to a rather confusing way of jumping towards plot peaks, spelling mistakes, and an overall amount of blurry or unsatisfactory [in the writer's eyes] scenes), therefore new scenes and a cleaner plot has been added. Updates are slow, but surely coming. Thank you!

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