• The Day Has Come •

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For once, the appointment is scheduled at noon.

Preparation was not given all that much care due to fevered minds and a lack of idea towards why it would be needed.

His hands fidget with the hems of his shorts, far from holding the hands he wishes to hold, as they walk out of the doors of their dorm building. His eyes are on his feet whenever they abandon Kirishima the entire way there. Due to their early embarkment, they stop at a nearby food chain to grab some "energy boosters" as Kirishima called it.

The doctor scheduled their appointment at a new location– a monumental building blanketed in mirrored windows that reflect all colors of the sky, about ten minutes to the south of the hospital they had grown used to visiting. Kirishima had expressed his eagerness towards how the elevator they rode up the twelve floors they needed to get through had the classic waiting music, and Bakugo groaned at how he felt lucky to not be able to hear it. Though, that comment brings about an uneasy feeling.

"I'm literally minutes away from getting my hearing back."

"I feel sick to my stomach... I don't think I can remember the last time I was this nervous."

The hallway is dimly lit by a few roof windows and their footing is pleasantly muffled by a brown commercial carpet. Upon asking to be reminded of what room number they are headed to, Bakugo's eyes lift from the patterned carpeting and begin to help the other look.

"Oh, one eleven is right here," he unenthusiastically mumbles, and his hand is grabbed onto by an ecstatic Kirishima. He's tugged forward and they nearly skip steps until they land in front of a dark-wood, polished door with a golden plaque in its center reading "116".

Kirishima gives a few knocks and the two take a step back, having to wait no longer than five seconds before the sound of a woman claims "come in!" from inside.

Bakugo stares at him from a room of confusion as he sees him opening the door himself, but he follows him in nonetheless. A front desk is what they first see, with an older lady sorting through papers sitting behind it. Her eyes, an extremely light grey, lift up towards the two upon their entrance, and Bakugo feels his body suddenly go rigid.

"Do you two have an appointment?" Asks the lady, and Kirishima's polite way of explaining their presence earns a pleased smile from the woman. Bakugo follows Kirishima once he heads for the grey, cushioned chairs in the corner of the room and taps his leg with an unnerved hand.

"What's happening now?" He asks.

"The doc's getting some stuff together, he'll call you up in a second,"

In a matter of seconds, Kirishima turns his body towards the long hall joined to the side of the room. Bakugo joins him out of a lack of direction and spots the familiar man peeking his head out of the room. "Bakugo?"

Kirishima beams a smile and pats him on the shoulder as if he were nudging him to get up and to walk over to him.

"Yeah, he can come in by himself or you can come in with him, it's up to you!" The man then adds. Bakugo turns to mutter "what did he say now?" to the one who smiles up at him with heart-filled glee.

"He said that you can go in there by yourself, or that I can go with you, it's up to us–"
"Let's go."

Asking "do you want me to come with?" feels a little silly to Kirishima. He gets up with his hand trapped in Bakugo's sweaty one and the two wander into the hall, where they are eagerly led into a smaller office. The room smells of peppermint and lavender, a mixture that summons a new level of headache over the one that Bakugo already carries.

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