• The Big Day: Failed •

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"It's been so long since I've seen you!" The teen chirps and Kirishima is quick to translating it.  "How do you feel?"

Interactions with anyone else other than Kirishima were worthless even attempting. Bakugo's introvertedness declined ever since he's been left to deal with his new disability and like towards most of his behavior, he isn't apologetic over it. Sero decides to give conversing with him a try after hearing about Kirishima's ability to speak in sign language.

Bakugo stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Kirishima, glancing at Kirishima whenever it was his turn to translate. With a quickly translated sentence given, at last, his jaw tightens. With a glare hard enough to break through concrete, he snaps his hands out to respond, "how the fuck do you think I feel, you asshole?"

Kirishima sighs before translating. "He said, "how the hell do you think I feel, a-hole?"." Sero frowns at the response given. "He's been really defensive as well... And he does have reasons to be,- Hell if I lost my hearing I'd be so scared..."
"I can't imagine... He's really brave!"

Within another few minutes of something Bakugo couldn't engage in even if he wanted to, he begins to walk away without much of a goodbye. A part of him hoped that his exit would will Kirishima into following.

With his head kept forward, lower to the ground until he reminds himself that his sight is now more important than ever, he slowly distances himself from the unwanted interaction. The want to look back haunts him at every step, though being dependent on Kirishima is suffocating enough. And with the redhead popped into his mind again, he makes his appearance. He jumps to his side again, startling Bakugo enough to draw a strained squeak from him. He shoots him a mutilating glare, tucking his hands into his pockets and quickening his steps. 

Kirishima taps his shoulder often, hopping a few steps ahead of him to try and stop in front of him. He's rejected of any second's worth of communication.
He's hesitant to do so, but Bakugo is prevented from walking any further when he grabs onto his shoulders. His glare remains strong, though it loses its genuineness once faced with Kirishima's worried gaze.

"Please just tell me when you get overwhelmed," Kirishima signs, and Bakugo clicks his tongue. Am I obvious? He mentally inquires. "You look really stressed. Why?" Kirishima continues.

"I feel like an animal at a zoo, why else?" Says Bakugo, carelessly dropping his hands at the end of his sentence. 

"If you want everyone to just go away, I can tell them to leave you alone." He suggests, having Bakugo respond so quickly, it nearly felt disruptive of his own inexperienced signing.

"Then fucking do so, I'm not dealing with this for any longer."

He tries to get past Kirishima again, but he stands in his way still, signing a sincere apology with a hard, genuine gaze. Bakugo sighs, brushing him off and once again attempting to walk away from any sort of further interaction. 

"Is there something I can do to help? I feel awful." Kirishima then says. Bakugo can at least admit that his sentences are being signed faster, and more accurately.

"Let it go, loser, it's already done. I want to go home."
"Home?-- Okay, I'll take you home."

He fights down the want to reach for his hand, his choice to continue on without holding one saddening his expression, and takes the initiative of walking further away from school grounds. 

Silence always brings out sides of Bakugo. Fear or reluctance, or an immense kick of confidence.
Making my own shitty decision should make me stop feeling bad about being dependent on him, right? He thinks.

His steps halt, dragging an overly hyper-aware Kirishima to a stop as well. He looks down and clutches his hands into tight fists, recollecting himself with a deep and unintentionally loud breath. With enough to drive him far from the mere thought of backing down, he looks up and verbally calls for him.

He's getting frustrated, more and more by the second, and it's quickly becoming clear. A choked-out sound escapes Bakugo's lips and it guilt-trips Kirishima, who still has his mind stuck on the impression that he should responsibilize himself over how he feels overwhelmed.

Bakugo repeats his name, lunging himself against Kirishima and trapping him in another one of his surprise hugs. 

I could lose him today if things go to shit. He mentally reminds himself. If I have to lose him, then I'll at least remember his arms instead of his rejection... right...? 

They sway side to side for the while that the moment is enjoyed. Bakugo's skin crawls with desire towards having Kirishima's hand lay against his head. He wants his lips against his head, his face, against his own lips... 

With a broken hug comes the fall of desires, and thus, the struggle to keep eye contact commences. He raises a shaky hand and hangs his head low.

Then, he signs something new. Something that has Bakugo's heart spilling over the edge, both in ache and in desperate emotion, but something that has Kirishima's mind cranking gears to process. A punk sign? Kirishima just stares in confusion.

I said it
After so long
Will you say it back?

Reminder: The book was not deleted, nor is it missing. This book is edited from its original copy (due to a rather confusing way of jumping towards plot peaks, spelling mistakes, and an overall amount of blurry or unsatisfactory [in the writer's eyes] scenes), therefore new scenes and a cleaner plot has been added. Updates are slow, but surely coming. Thank you!

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