• Surprise •

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Stepping into that train nearly felt surreal. It was the meaning behind it that made it more special...
I'm going back to Bakugou. I'm going back home.

He felt nervous during the train trip back. He found himself fumbling with anything he could- His shirt, his backpack's shoulder straps, his own fingers, etc.
Kaminari said they would meet up later, and that he would leave Kirishima alone to Bakugou.
He knew what he was doing.

Kaminari said he had left the door to Bakugou's dorm open, and that he had left during the night. The plan was to sneak into his dorm while he was still asleep so he could surprise him.

He had thirty more minutes to go, and each second of it felt like an eternity.


He had texted Bakugou to see if he was still asleep when he set foot in the dorms. When three minutes passed and no response was given, he made his way up to his dorm room. His heart rapped out of his chest, at a speed nearly unbearable to him.

As gentle and careful as he can, so Bakugou wouldn't see in the slight possibility that he could have been awake, he turns the doorknob and peeks his head inside. To his surprise's smooth execution, Bakugou slept on his bed soundly, he faced the wall to his advantage.
He tiptoed inside and closed the door behind him. He sets his backpack down on the corner and sits down against the wall, in front of the bed. He admired him with soft eyes for a second longer and exhaled a quiet hum.

Words couldn't describe how happy he was to back.

He takes out his phone and keeps himself entertained, while he waited for him to wake up.


With a quiet exhale of a hum, Bakugou raises his hands up to his face. He turns on his back and opens his eyes slowly-
But he could tell something was different.
He smelled something different-- A suave, yet bold scent.

His eyes turn to the door, and beside it, he sees something that wasn't his.

A backpack. A grey and blue travel backpack.
His heart stops as he realized what day it was.
Slowly, he sits up on the bed, scanning the room for a second before his eyes pass by it. And the sight made his heart jump to his throat. He was startled, but mostly happy. He sees Kirishima slowly lift his eyes up from his phone, a wide smile spreads across his face. He motions a sweet 'hello', and that was when Bakugou lost it.

He jumps up from his bed and stumbles towards Kirishima, nearly falling from his speed. He tugs him into a tight hug, rocking back and forth from the impact, still. Kirishima laughs out happily from being back into those safe, firm arms.
"K..irishima..." Bakugou exhaled out quietly.

Kirishima's eyebrows pinch up in awe, at the moment. It was all he hoped for it to be. He enjoyed that hug... he enjoyed it beyond words.
His face buries into Bakugou's crook of his neck as his arms tighten around him a bit more. Ever since the attack, he hadn't taken the chance to hug him this way. He pulls away and Bakugou falls back, sitting on the floor in front of him.

He smiled widely as he began to sign, "surprise!". Bakugo gives a light smack to his hand and asks; "again, why didn't you fucking wake me up?"

"Because then it would have ruined the surprise," Kirishima replies, his shoulders bouncing from giddy chuckling. "Then plan was to have you wake up by yourself and see me, and you did! The plan worked!"

"Fuck you..." Bakugo groans, filling the room with Kirishima's laughter. He looks off to the side, crossing his arms in an upset manner. His heart was hoping he would do something-- and his heart exploded in joy when he did.

Kirishima sweetly taps under his chin to gain his attention. Bakugou slowly turned back to him, his eyes softened and his expression slightly dazed.

"Did you miss me?" He asks. Bakugou looks down, feeling his gaze on him linger. It was a comforting, happy gaze. Bakugou missed it so much.
He missed him beyond words.

Clicking his tongue, he grumbles "yeah, so what if I did?".

His legs bounce on the ground and his shoulders shuffle with joy as Kirishima gives his response. "I missed you too!"

Kirishima wrapped his arms around him excitedly again, nuzzling his nose back into Bakugou's neck and it, once again, brought a neverending smile to his face. He hugged him back tightly, enjoying the moment to its fullest.
Bakugou always took longer to hug back. Kirishima's noticed that. Though, that changed now.
Bakugou hugged back as soon as he could... he wondered about what made that change.

He never forgot what Kaminari told him, however. Kirishima had something to say. He felt curious about what it was... he /needed/ to know what that was.
And that urge boiled within him. It prevented him from relaxing...

"I missed you so much, Baku..." Kirishima mumbles softly.
Bakugou squirms slightly, as he felt him talk against his neck.

He didn't know what he said,-
Was that what he wanted to say?

He pulled away, flashing him a confused yet seriously interested glare. "What did you say?"
"I just said that I missed you,"

Stay with me
Won't you?
Your existence is home

Reminder: The book was not deleted, nor is it missing. This book is edited from its original copy (due to a rather confusing way of jumping towards plot peaks, spelling mistakes, and an overall amount of blurry or unsatisfactory [in the writer's eyes] scenes), therefore new scenes and a cleaner plot has been added. Updates are slow, but surely coming. Thank you!

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