• At Long Last •

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He's awake before seven o'clock and is bitterly welcomed into a slight scare to find the rest of the bed empty. 

He pulls himself up, absentmindedly preparing himself for any jump scares or anything abnormal as he peers about in the room from his spot. He's alone.
He sinks back onto the bed, convincing himself to take just another two minutes before he left for the bathroom and searched for the other.


He hadn't slept, as a matter of fact. 
At the crack of dawn, Kirishima leaves the bed with the need to disperse the energy he feels from his discovery. He makes a trip to the restroom, makes some breakfast early to enjoy the dormitories' bottom floor rare vacancy to himself, and sits outside for a bit to gift himself the sight of a sunrise after a storm. The skies look wildly stunning, pulling towards dark and light greys and vibrant yellows from a new sun. The last sunrise he'd seen dates back to years ago and he smiles at how this one somehow beats all the others that he's seen.

He can only think of it as a consequence. A clearing of skies from a storm is given as he learns his feelings. The new sun is a new opportunity.

His phone begins to buzz in his pocket, serenely tugging him out of his trance.
It was an unknown number though it hadn't been marked under "scam". Carelessly, he swipes to answer the call.


They meet out in the hall. 

Bakugo loses balance from being suddenly tackled but holds onto the one who had done so-- Who'd also tragically lost balance over him. Oxygen is pushed out of his lungs as his body becomes the softener to Kirishima's fall. He's groaning, rolling his head until his face meets the warm skin of his neck. Before he can even process an excuse to keep his face there, Kirishima is getting up and grabbing his hands to pull him up with him. His smile outshines a crystal-packed cavern as he tugs him up to his feet. Bakugo could just about puke a stomach-full of butterflies, right now.

"Good morning! Good morning!" Kirishima chirps as his fingers translate. "Sorry, did I hurt you?"
"No... fuck you, you're heavy..." Bakugo groans, rubbing the back of his head. Kirishima laughs, running over a sentence that had to do with him flexing his arms-- He'd forgotten to translate it, though Bakugo couldn't quite put him at fault. He's overflowing with excitement from something he's yet to be told of, and his smile is giving him a hard time coming up with words.

"I just got a call," He begins. "And--"

"I gotta go piss," Bakugo mumbles, taking a step forward. Kirishima's smile remains, much to Bakugo's surprise. 

"Okay, but come back quick, I have to tell you!" Kirishima claims, and he actually jumps in his place with pure giddiness radiating from his every limb. "Come back up to my room when you're done!"

With a weak, nearly unnoticeable smile, he nods and signs a meek "alright".

Kirishima practically skips back towards his room, leaving Bakugo in a trance. After years of hearing about special moments where a person's world felt as though it had stopped rotating, he feels it for himself.
He pulls his feet off of their place and heads to the restroom, where he quickly took the chance to make himself seem presentable for the other.

Kirishima is a buzzing ball of glee once he sees him again, rolling in a lake of sparkles that stick to his eyes in a beautiful sheen.
He bounces up to his feet at his sight, waving and smiling as if Bakugo had brought with him a cash prize.

"You're way too happy for someone who was out of bed before seven." Bakugo audibly claims, and Kirishima clutches his stomach. More muted laughter is given to dismay Bakugo's heart.

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