• Thinking About Him •

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As Bakugou slumped about, task-less and without any work to do, without any courage to step outside, without any motivation to see anyone... without anything to drive him to go back to his old self,
Kirishima was constantly on his feet, working himself closer and closer to his safe limit.

"Heeey! Can we put our phones away? We're diving into something that needs attention here!"

Kirishima gives a pained sigh and tucks his phone away, continuing to run forward as he shouts an apology. He was going to text Bakugou out of worry. He couldn't sleep at night ever since Bakugou texted him those things.

How would I react if Bakugou died...? I'd die with him... I'd lose half of me. My world would collapse...

"Let's put that strength to the test! Let's go, let's go!"

He growls under his breath, he begins to give the test all he could give.

Six more days and I'll go back to him... I want to apologize so badly... And sure, I trust Kaminari but... I want to stay with him. I want to take care of him.

He wondered if Bakugou felt the same, if he felt any difference. He wondered if he cared about who was staying with him. Each movement he made was aggressive with so much determination and thought.


During the nights, Kirishima was free to do all and whatever he pleased as long as he got away with it; he could stay up for as long as he wanted, work on whatever he wanted, as long his volume remained low enough to be maintained inside his own room.
Tonight, at the invitation, he thought it would be a good idea to see Kaminari for a bit.

"Heeey bro!" Kirishima begins with a small smile.

Kaminari had asked to face time him during nighttime, he had headed back to Bakugou's dorm the next day to make sure Bakugou was doing okay. Kaminari was clearly calmer than usual, he continuously looked off to the side during the facetime call, and it rose curiosity in Kirishima.

"Where are you now?" Kirishima begins.
"Bakugou's dorm room."

"Oh, for real--?!"

Kirishima has to stop himself from sounding so excited. "What's he doing, can I see him?"

"Uhh..." Kaminari once again looks off to the side, this time he leaned off to the side slightly. He seemed to dodge something, Kirishima could only assume it was Bakugou swinging at him.

"He's literally doing nothing... He was staring at his phone screen, his phone was off- Owh-!"

Kaminari had set the phone down, Kirishima could hear paper ruffling in the background. A few seconds of silence settle, and the phone was picked up again. Kaminari's face settled for another second before Kaminari flips the camera, and reveals Bakugou's tired self sitting up against the wall.

Bakugou's eyes widen in the slightest, the sight for him was adorable.

Kirishima laid on his stomach in his bed, his hair was down and messy and his eyes were half-lidded with sleep,- A soft smile completed his sleepy look.

Kirishima waves quickly, his sleepy smile widening. He rests his phone against the wall and tiredly motions "how are you doing?"

Bakugou slowly raises his hands, looking down. "Upset." He glances up to catch Kirishima patiently waiting for his eyes to be on him.

"Upset?" He repeats, "why?"

Bakugou hesitates, his brows pushing together lowly. "Because you fucking left."

He pries himself from guilt to respond with "I'm sorry. I'll be back in six days."
But his gaze dips up and down his body while a smirk takes shape upon pale lips. "Why, do you miss me?"

He holds up his middle finger and Kirishima gives a quiet laugh. Kaminari's voice comes from behind the camera, stating; "I don't know what you two are talking about but I can tell Bakugou just owned you."

Bakugou's expression softened, he looked straight at the camera for a long second before continuing. The phrase made Kirishima's heart flutter. "Sorry for the sudden text last night. I overthink, or whatever."

"Yeah, I understand. Thanks for talking to me last night, I was thinking about you."

Fighting down the need to smile had been a bigger struggle than he's ever dealt with. "I won't ask why. That's weird."

"I'm weird then, I guess."
"We've been over that."

Kirishima laughs and Kaminari jumps at how Bakugo had exhaled an untrained, weak chortle. "Take care wherever the fuck you are." He concludes, and Kirishima's smile widened while he bowed his head low on the bed, exhaling another chuckle.

"Training sessions are getting a bit hard, I won't lie," he confesses, "but I will! I'll take care here, and when I come back, I'll be waiting for what you wanna tell me!"

Bakugo's smile drops. That thought had been absent from his mind ever since he had left.

"When you want to, text me. Just be aware that I won't be able to answer right away, because Fat Gum can be kinda strict with what I do during the day."

Bakugou nods his head in response and Kirishima waves with a soft smile. Bakugou waves as well, his expression was soft and calm.

"Hey, Kaminari." Kirishima begins.

Kaminari laughs, "I'm so confused, what were you guys saying--"
"Nah, nothing much-"

"But bruh- His face was so calm- You made him laugh!? I swear you do something to him."

"Bro! You're talking behind his back, that's rude!" Kirishima follows up with laughter.
"Shi-! Sorry!"

The two laugh in harmony until Kaminari's laughter dies down. "You're clearly important to him." He benignly claims.

"For real, dude...?" Kirishima quietly responds. "I dunno... If I'm gonna be real honest with you... He's really important to me too."

Kaminari smiles widely. "Does Kirishima Eijirou have a cruuuush~?"

Kirishima looks off to the side, he rests his chin on the palm of his hand. "Yeah, bro..."

Kaminari gasps as he exhales a loud laugh of joy. "Bro that's-! Woah!- First of all, you have horrible taste in-- guys?!--"


"And second-- You should tell him! It's clear that he likes you--"

Kirishima is quick to deny the statement, hot at the face as he instantly threw; "Huh-?! N-No it isn't-?! We're just friends-"

"Come on. 'Friends' who give heart-eyes to each other-- You just 'fessed up a second ago, what's the panic for now!?"

"Shut up-!"

"It's chill, bro-! Your secret's safe with me."

A pause settles.

"And Sero. And Jirou. And Ashido. And-"
"DUDE!" Kirishima groans loudly. "You know what? I'll do it. If you don't tell anyone, I'll tell him."

Kaminari cocks an eyebrow. "Is that a bro promise?"
"Bro promise..."

Now I promised I'll do it.
But I won't do it because I promised
I'll do it because I need to
I need you to know

Reminder: The book was not deleted, nor is it missing. This book is edited from its original copy (due to a rather confusing way of jumping towards plot peaks, spelling mistakes, and an overall amount of blurry or unsatisfactory [in the writer's eyes] scenes), therefore new scenes and a cleaner plot has been added. Updates are slow, but surely coming. Thank you!

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