• Kirishima's At the Bakugo's Kept Den •

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"Ei... jirou..?"

He turns the corner to meet him there already– they had nearly collided against one another if it were not for Bakugo's hands shooting up to catch the person a mere second before he hit him.

Kirishima smiles and his hand instantly shoots up to his hair, leaving Bakugo standing in his place motionlessly as his hair is ruffled in the most loving of ways.

"Hello," is signed by Kirishima, and the blond gives a soft nod in response. He exhales a quiet "uhh..." before raising his hands again, to say "the old hag just texted me, saying they want me home tonight and tomorrow."

It was a small statement but shot spears at Kirishima's smile until it faded completely.

"Apparently, they want you over tomorrow too." Bakugo verbally continues on. "So..."

"I'll go get ready, I'll bring you back home," Kirishima quickly claims, but his hands are grabbed onto.

"Stay, it's windy outside."
"Katsuki, I'm not gonna let you go out alone," he says, shutting him and his ideas down. "I don't mind if it's windy, jackets exist for a reason– besides, it's dark out already."
Bakugo insists with: "No– I'll just call a cab or something.", but Kirishima's lips return to their frowning ways.

"Babe, they most likely can't understand sign language."

Now, it's Bakugo's turn to frown.

"Come on, let me go grab a jacket... and you too,"
"I know, I know." he verbally mumbles. "Fine."


His eyes open at six o'nine.

The sun is barely reborn, just as he likes to catch it.

Unusually enough, Bakugo finds himself scrambling for his phone as the first thing in his morning. His eyes squint an awful lot as they try their best to get accustomed to the harsh light of his screen until he lowers its intensity, allowing them their leisured time to fully adjust to being used again.

He flips past some twenty-six unopened messages and dives straight into Kirishima's contact, to text "I'm awake".

He lays his phone on the bed and allows his head to sink back into the pillow, and his eyes to slip shut.

He definitely felt the difference between sharing a bed and sleeping alone, tonight.

Everything sticks out when you share a bed. Their breathing pattern, which side they sleep on the most, their body warmth. The further he gets from him, the more in love he falls, sometimes.

A deep breath is taken, his eyes roll open.

When, exactly, did I fall for Eijiro?

His bottom lip protrudes out and a spec on his ceiling becomes the center of his eyes' attention.

End of freshman year? No, it had to be before.

Specific memories... why can't I think of any?

Something within him screeches to an unpleasant halt.

What even happened, in freshman year?

A gentle sound breaks through his rabbit hole memory of a fall. He had not expected it, but his heart shines with appreciation over having received a response from a certain red-head.

It reads: >"My volume was at max and the sound it made when u texted scared me awake :("

A chortle is given up, even if his eyes rolled far back. "Dumbass, turn your volume down during the night"
>"But you're away, what if you text and I dont hear?"

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