• The Evening Packed With Tranquility •

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When a curious-looking nurse pops his head into the waiting room, Kirishima's heart gives a violent jolt. His eyes remain glued to him while the nurse's scan the room, surely looking for a specific face. Once they land on him, his lips stretch into a relieved grin.

He motions for the boy to come his way and not an ounce of hesitation is given from the young man. He nearly skips steps as he approaches, his heart rapping as if it gave its all to escape from a cage.

"I was sent here to come and get you," the nurse primarily began. "I"m doctor Yuji... I got the word that you're here for Bakugo, yes?"
"Yes-! Yes sir!"

With a grateful smile, the man claims: "the procedure was successful! He's just been wheeled to the recovery room, and you, young man, got yourself a rare ticket to go see him right now..."

"I–!? Thank you so much, sir!- I can-? I can go see him-?"

Chuckles accompany the two on their walk down the extensive hall of the hospital.

The boy he guides radiates anxiety just as clearly as he radiates excitement. He has been a bouncing ball of pent-up energy ever since he has set foot in the premise.

There's a soft hum of chatter behind the door that they stop at. As he picks at the skin of his fingers, he looks towards the doctors with eyes that spill over in anticipation, glimmering towards the hope of seeing the one he's here for.

He was met with three people that wandered about in the room, constantly fidgeting with what they were hired to fidget with. His eyes instantly flicker towards the foot of the bed pushed to the left side of the room. His eyes follow each bump beneath the sky-blue blanket with a thick white border, starting at the feet until he could see a rhythmically rising and falling chest once he stepped into the room. The staff greeted the boy, receiving a distracted yet still formal "hello" back until a lady released information that Kirishima smiled towards.

"He should wake up in around an hour... He needs to stay here for the next three hours or so, so we can just observe him and make sure that he's alright," she shares, her tone easygoing and overly sweet. "If he needs anything when he wakes up, just call one of us back in-- if you could please watch his hands, just make sure that he doesn't pull out any bandages, or his IV,"

"Thank you so much... I'll absolutely call you guys back in if he needs something–"

"And the gentleman may feel a little sick because of the anesthetic we gave him," a man suddenly pitches in. "If he complains about feeling dizzy or if the room begins to spin, just tell him to stay down on the bed," he continues, "it's normal side-effects, and it's nothing to be worried about,"

"Unless the side-effects are unbearable... if you notice them being too over the top, please do call us back in," a new voice joins. He nods to all pieces of information he receives, feeling like a helpless scratched disk in the middle of shiny, out-of-the-box ones.

Seeing his face for the first time had him freezing in his tracks. He feels electricity running up each one of his limbs, reaching his brain while it carries a worrisome message. "I don't like that sight."

"That looks wrong."

The bandaging, he knew that it would look like this after hours he had drained into research. The breathing tube, however, he felt his gut twist towards.

When he approaches the bed, his hand instantly reached out to wipe the drool from the boy's slack lips. His hand stays against his cheek, however, and his thumb massaged endearing lines against his high-structured cheekbone.

"Baby..." his mind gloomily calls out. "My poor baby..."

The room is deserted within a few minutes, and he wishes that his mind was left the same.

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