• The Peace in His Embrace •

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The doctors hadn't felt any reason to hold back something that was clearly obvious to the patient... though still, seeing it written down on paper felt the same as a brick wall falling over him. Ever since, no one could remove him from that curled-up, disassociated state of his.

I hope he still sees me the same way
I'm practically useless now
I still want him
Does he want me?

Kirishima looks behind the doctor in worry and sorrow. He listened to most things of what the doctor said but his attention was mainly on the boy behind him, looking sad and alone and vulnerable, with his knees hugged tightly against his chest. The sight broke his heart, he so terribly wanted to comfort him...

"He's lost his hearing." The doctor delivered with saddened simplicity. "The damage may be permanent, but we are still looking into the tests' results. Aside from the hearing loss the worst injury he has is a mild concussion, however, that can be quickly healed if he takes the correct precautions. You mentioned volunteering on helping his recovery?"

Kirishima snaps his gaze back to the doctor's face.

"Y-yes, sir! I-I'm a really close friend of his!" Kirishima claims.

This is a nightmare, right? This can't be happening... He asks himself, trying to keep in mind how genuine his smile seems as he stares up at the doctor.

"Well, on that note. You may... Try... To interact with him.. He's been snappy and rejecting of any and every offer we have given him-" The doctor sighs at the end.
With a curt nod, Kirishima responds, "Don't worry- I know he isn't towards me." He then bows, and quickly continued, "Thank you so much for taking care of him, sir." Kirishima bows respectfully.

He walks around past the doctor, his hands were folded against his chest nervously. He stared out the window but it was clear his cheeks were wet with tears, he looked so vulnerable and upset, he hated the sight.
He only got Bakugou's attention until he sat on the bed, his head snapped towards him alertly and his eyes poked daggers through him for a split second.

Through all the fear and the overwhelmed lost look in his eyes, Kirishima can still see excitement, and relief, upon seeing him there.

He gives him a pained, soft smile before motioning 'Hi'. Bakugou's eyes widen slightly but his eyebrows furrow again. Hesitating nervously, he continues to motions words slowly with his hands. "I... have been learning... sign language... for you..." He says, his fingers reluctantly taking the shape of signed words with little experience behind their movement.

Bakugo's furrowed eyebrows falter, his eyes faltering to that of a blurry sight due to another tear being trapped by its edge. "Why!?" He quickly asks back, his hands shaking like his breathing. The word sinks like acid in his heart. He bites his bottom lip in an attempt to prevent a shy smile. He bows his head lowly and he continues; "Because... you are very important... to me..."

A small tear runs down Bakugou's cheeks and his arms begin to shake in need to hug him. He opens his mouth and tries to mouth something to Kirishima, but choked-out sounds escape his lips as he wasn't aware of how loud, or quiet he was being.

"I th..ought... I was fuck..ing... Al..lone..."

Kirishima furrows his eyebrows in pity and pain. He lunges forward and pulls him into a tight, reassuring hug. Bakugou hugs back almost immediately.
He nuzzles his nose into Kirishima's neck and inhales sharply, tears begin to flow down nonstop. His hands grip onto him tightly and desperately.

Kirishima pulls away slowly and gently taps his index finger under Bakugou's chin to get his attention. He holds up his hands to begin motioning again. "You.. are not alone... I will always... be here for... you..."

They join in another hug, the hug stayed for longer this time. Soft hands rubbed on Bakugou's back and firm arms fearfully gripped around Kirishima. Bakugou sniffled quietly as Kirishima comforted him sweetly.

The doctors watched in amazement and in awe as the once snappy, neglecting, out-of-control patient currently cried and melted into the visitor's arms.


Kirishima was able to take Bakugou home, where Bakugou could rest and heal, and most importantly get used to the new disability.

Bakugou would barely leave Kirishima's side and on the rare occasions he did, either Kirishima would begin feeling extremely worried, or Bakugou would begin feeling vulnerable and alone.

Kirishima had gotten concerned text messages nonstop, although he waved them off for the first few days. He wanted to give Bakugou all the attention he could give him. He couldn't imagine the amount of fear and depression he was going through during that moment, and wanted to be there for him throughout anything and everything.

After the first month of staying with Bakugou and his new disability, his heart melted and leaped with joy as Bakugou had begun getting much more comfortable around him, and in a sense where whenever they sat on the couch, he would lean against him so calmly.

He wondered if Bakugou did it without noticing, or if he did it because he wanted to.

"Bakugou... I know you can't hear me." He would say. "And I know it's so selfish of me to say this when you can't hear me..." He looked down at the boy leaning against his shoulder with a soft gaze. "I love you..." He whispers, his face brought to a near grimace at how his heart jolts upon being released from the secret. Though it stops upon having a distress-glistening pair of eyes stare up at him again.

"I can feel you talking. Your chest, it's vibrating." He signs, shaking his head with disappointment holding hands with his anger. "I'm deaf now, but I'm not dumb. What the fuck are you saying behind my back, asshole?" He continued, his fingers sharp at each motioned word.

Kirishima is left to stare, stunned at Bakugo's awareness. He's that on edge? He ponders.

Kirishima sighs along with slowly responding, "I was singing," hoping that Bakugo couldn't pick up on his lie. "Sorry."

He looks off to the side in guilt just as Bakugo clicks his tongue and looks away again. He's shattered upon having confessed for the first time ever in the way that he's done. He was taking advantage of his disability, and the awareness he has towards his disrespect has him two feet in a pit of discomfort. 
But he was scared of confessing, scared of losing the closeness they built.

You're saying things behind my back
I can feel you saying things
I hope they're sweet things
I miss hearing your sweet voice

Reminder: The book was not deleted, nor is it missing. This book is edited from its original copy (due to a rather confusing way of jumping towards plot peaks, spelling mistakes, and an overall amount of blurry or unsatisfactory [in the writer's eyes] scenes), therefore new scenes and a cleaner plot has been added. Updates are slow, but surely coming. Thank you!

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