• A Sudden E.R Trip •

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///TW:: Hospital mentions/Emergency room, mentions of nausea, blood, broken bones, pills, and puss///

The habit continued; Bakugo constantly toyed with his ears above his constant episodes of pure zoning out. Whenever he's asked about it, one only answer is given up, curtly and without any will.

"They bother me sometimes, alright!? Leave it alone!"

The habit escalates to him keeping his ears shielded for longer periods of time, until late into a few dozen nights later, their sleep is interrupted by choked back groaning and whimpering.

As quickly as either wished it didn't happen, they were back at the E.R...

The sun is hidden on the horizon still and the building is close to vacant but a few scattered patients sat in the waiting room. A woman holds her baby who runs a supposedly high fever, a father keeps his toddler's clearly broken arm in a stable height, as a teen slowly lowers himself to a seat a few rows from them while he holds a bloodied cloth to his mouth.

Bakugo has relapsed into a state of distress, going as far as resting his forehead against Kirishima's shoulder when a sickening ringing invades his eardrums.

They're called in within the ten-minute mark, right after a gentleman walks out with his left hand's fingers taped together to protect freshly-made stitches.

Kirishima walks with Bakugo's head glued to his shoulder, releasing the doctor's apparent curiosity by stating the immediate cause of concern; "he woke up really nauseous, saying his ears are hurting and ringing really bad-- It's making him really dizzy."

The doctor recognized the two as he welcomes them into the room. He quickly wraps the green cushioned stretcher with a long paper towel sheet as he claims "you were on UA's side of the attack near Kamino, right? His quirk caused irreparable damage to the miles around him... I immediately knew that he'd caused damage to himself, as well."

Kirishima nods along, confirming that he had in fact gone deaf due to his own destructive choices.

"Was he treated after he was released from the hospital?" The man asks.
"No sir. Though he did leave the hospital with bandaging around his head for his ears, the hospital surely did what they could about it."
"And his parents didn't further enter him in any therapy? They hadn't brought him to any otolaryngologist?"
"No sir, not to my knowledge."

He seems perplexed by the lack of action done towards the disability.
Bakugo swipes the doctor's hand away when he reached to fix his head towards him, and Kirishima, without any thought given, takes his hand and interlocks their fingers together. It only pushes into Bakugo's anguish.

A small exam was given; the doctor examined his ears and checked his past files.

"He wasn't given any medication?"
"No sir."

He looks down at the clipboard for a second longer before looking up at Kirishima with a calm yet slightly confused expression.

"Can you please translate a few questions, if you don't mind?"
"Yeah- no, I don't mind-!"
"Right! So... Can you ask him if he has been feeling any pain before today?"

Kirishima turns to Bakugou finding him zoned out to a small needle container on the wall, his face looked slightly distressed. He gently taps under his chin and he jumps slightly, but his expression softens once he locks eyes with Kirishima.

"The doctor is going to ask some questions now, please be honest," he signs, keeping his hands slow to each movement in order for Bakugo's dizzy self to comprehend. "He asked if you felt any pain before today, in your ears, or your head?"

He gave an increasingly quickening nod.

"Okay, can he please list everything he's been feeling ever since, and at what intensity?" The doctor then asks.

"Can you tell him everything that you have been feeling ever since you became deaf? And tell him at what intensity you have been feeling everything," Kirishima translates.

He clears his throat, lowering his head to shield his vision of the room's lights.

"Ears... they hurt... They hurt way too fucking much..." he says. "S'This ringing... that gets me feeling like I'll throw up my guts..."

The doctor nods as he sits down on an office chair at the corner of the room, the screen of a desktop computer brightens at a slight move of the mouse. He lists down each symptom described to him on a digital file.

"Dizzy... really dizzy... My head's... My head's gonna f-... fucking explode..."

Kirishima then signs a quick "okay" and he adds in "he also told me that everything gets worst when he lays down or when he's asleep. Like he gets motion sickness but he's lying still, back at our dorms."

The exam goes a bit more in-depth and a few suggestions are recommended; from care to otolaryngologists, down to therapists that could potentially diagnose causes from their trouble sleeping that Kirishima had also commented about.

With enough notes and leads given, the doctor leaves the room to store the information within reach of professionals in the area.

Bakugo begins to lower himself on the stretcher, covering his eyes with his forearm as he lays on his back with his legs hanging off the edge. Kirishima tugs Bakugo's shirt down, fixing it properly over his exposed stomach, though the touch made him look up at him again.

With the given opportunity to do so, he begins another small conversation in an attempt to calm him down.

"What are you feeling now? You said that laying down makes it all worst, right?"
"I don't know what to fucking do anymore..." he verbally whines.

"You can lean on me, if it's any better,"

He accepts, along with accepting his help on sitting back up. His hands stay on the arm that he used to tug himself back up while he leans fully against him.
Kirishima struggles to put down the urge to lean against him, as well.

The doctor returned after a while, handing Bakugo a pack of pills that would soothe his dizziness and headaches.
He was told to keep his water intake high, and the basics of how to fight against nausea he feels, and the two were sent back on their way out.
Much to Kirishima's benefit, he was able to keep his statement about their visit to the ER not being nearly as bad as Bakugo made it out to be.

He's grown to realize that Bakugo surely has his trigger places, and the hospital and ER rooms are surely at the top of that list.

It hurts to see you here,
You're going to be okay
I'll make sure of it

Reminder: The book was not deleted, nor is it missing. This book is edited from its original copy (due to a rather confusing way of jumping towards plot peaks, spelling mistakes, and an overall amount of blurry or unsatisfactory [in the writer's eyes] scenes), therefore new scenes and a cleaner plot has been added. Updates are slow, but surely coming. Thank you!

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