• Love Me (Slowly) in Public •

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"Downstairs" could have probably been a more specific location.

Without much thought given to who the person he currently looks for is, the kitchen was his first and only place to head towards upon wondering where he could be. A line of cologne follows him into the well-ventilated room, occupied by only two others; Todoroki, and the only one he holds any interest over.

"Well someone smells nice," firstly comments Kirishima, his grin enough to warn Todoroki of something lying deeper beneath a simple interaction amongst friends. A blue lollipop snuggly presses between sharp teeth and a smile-squished cheek, despite him having recently brushed his teeth and his hair already seems out of place to Bakugo, all of which fail to surprise him. Dual-colored eyes were firmly set upon Bakugo with the statement made, driving forward an air of investigation coming from his side of the room. "Ready to go?" Kirishima then continues, to which Bakugo had silently nodded. He turns towards him again, plucking out the sweet from his mouth to wave him off, chirping "alright, I'll see you later, man! Good luck with all that!"

A silent nod is joined with his equally silent exit, though Bakugo could have sworn that he saw the usually vacant-faced boy smile on his way out. His eyes switch back to the one who nearly skips towards him, shooting joy from his every limb as he does, and his brows press questions.

"Did Icyhot just fuckin' smile?" His stunned self hushes out, and Kirishima bursts with laughter.

"That shit's rare to see. What'd you do to him?" What was he talkin' about with you?" The ash-blond murmurs, as a part of him not wanting to be heard grows before the phrase is finished. The other turns with a sweet smile and his shoulders rise, lifting his nonchalant look.

"Just life, things like that." He benignly replies. When he takes his approach, the boy's pinky nudges Bakugo's without a single ounce of hesitancy, to which the other returns by hooking his own against Kirishima's. "He's just going through something and wanted my advice on things,"
"He expected good advice from you?"

"No, he just-..." his words fall short and quiet, and his eyes roam Bakugo's smug expression. "Oh, wow! That's mean!"
They fall in a natural rhythm of heading out without any verbal queues, fighting down louder chuckles in favor of keeping their giddiness somewhat undercover from the eyes of the public. Though Bakugo's smile lacks its full power– it lacks that extra color to it, that Kirishima has grown so extremely familiar with for the past few weeks.

He bites his warm cheek and looks away, stifling a giggle. "You don't think he was trying to hit on me or anything, right-?"

The comment snaps him out of that apparent trance. "What, Icyhot?--"
"Like, you're not jealous or anything?"
He's gazed at as if he had grown another head. "The fuck are you asking?"
"I'm just making sure-! You kinda got upset!"
"Listen, if I got jealous over some irrelevant ass kid talking to you, then I'd throw myself in the fucking garbage. I don't have the patience or the time to be doing something so stupid."

His face becomes derpy with shock, hanging for a lingering second as if it exists for the sole purpose of being comical. He can give up a quiet "oh" through a smile too powerful for him to hide while being left behind by the one who has gotten himself two steps ahead of him already.

"B'Sides," he continues on. "I don't even think Icyhot has a brain big enough to know what romantic feelings are, let alone whether or not he likes other dudes."

Laughter bounces out of him as he catches up to his side, passing through the door but only after swooping the blonde's hand into his own.

Smiles earn squinty eyes as their faces meet with the sun's unbearable glow. A heavy sigh is given from Kirishima, who can only primarily picture himself shirtless and sitting still before an AC unit. Temperatures have been fluctuating unevenly. The heat bites them in intensity when smoke should be normally leaving their mouths, and vice versa– the irregularity brings about daily headaches and mood switches, without a cure or without much to claim as a positive side to it all.

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