• I Miss Him Already •

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With days packed with laying about, busied by nothing more but their everyday self-care, students begin to feel close to useless.

Around the middle of the month prior, teachers had filed reports to nearby agencies on their students-- It was warned of ahead of time and heavily celebrated by both the parental group's side, and the students involved. Those who had consented to be chosen by agencies had been written recommendation letters of and were put on lists-- lists of which had been crossed off entirely by the rushed end of the school year.

A call had dragged Kirishima out of his new bundle of joy the same way that it had deprived Bakugo of his. It was random, though how Kirishima's hands had languidly ruffled Bakugo's hair had left an impact on their entire week. He's watched as he exits the room with his phone glued to his ear and a tired voice saying "yeah, it's Kirishima,". He begins to tug the door shut but on a whim, he pushes it open again and turns back, motioning a quick apology. A curt "don't care" is motioned back.

He feels overachieved, he's swimming in joy over how Kirishima hadn't fought against the idea of being laid against. His arm still tingles with how Kirishima's thumb gently circled against it, and his body shivers still as it did with every slow breath of Kirishima's that bounced off his skin.

He's yet to find a place to stand with what he feels towards him. Kirishima is a golden card of his life-- he's the person that's both made and broke decisions of an overthinker such as himself.
Before him, he's never thought about kissing another guy. Before him, he's never thought about sharing a life with anyone else. Before Kirishima, losing anything sounded too far beyond his capability.

Every day, he considers it a chance to open up-- yet every day in his present life, he loses them out of his own pure fear.

With each hug comes a bigger drive to tell him about that whirlwind of feelings he gives him. With each smile, each day spent together, with each anything when it comes to he and Kirishima doing together comes a bigger need and motivation to step closer towards what could potentially be Kirishima and him together.

In what way, he isn't sure still.

Feelings, they're a funny little hurtful thing.

Kirishima returns after what Bakugo feels sure was a solid hour.
Six minutes pass and he's walking into the room again, wide-eyed and owning a breathless smile.

"Everything okay?" He asks, and Bakugo is left on edge for a moment.
"Why wouldn't it be?" He mumbles in response.

Kirishima's lips fall slack and Bakugo guesses that a hum is being exhaled as he thinks of words to use next. "I just got called by an agency," he says. Bakugo pushes himself up, throwing a foot over the edge of the bed while the other remains tucked under his leg. He already knows what the source of his apparent joy is.

"I just got called to another internship with Fat Gum," Kirishima confirms. His smile slowly loses its spark as Bakugo's expression fails to alter. It dawns on him, what his leaving means.

"That's cool." Bakugo flatly states.
"Wait, I know what you're thinking..." Kirishima begins again. "It'll be fine...!" He claims, though his expression owns nothing from the encouragement that his phrase delivers. 

Bakugo clicks his tongue and sighs, reeling his eyes down as he mutters "why wouldn't it be fine?". Kirishima approaches, doing what Bakugo didn't need at the moment. He lifts his chin with a delicate finger, awkwardly signing "look" to obscure a much sweeter intention. His mind is wiped clean by that saddened gaze.

"I don't know what to do now," Kirishima confesses, "I want to stay and help you around every day,"
"Shut up, Kirishima, you wanna go to that internship. I know so." Bakugo tisks.
"But I also wanna stay here with you,"
"You wanna go to the fucking internship," Bakugo growls, "don't make me a reason to waste opportunities!"

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