• Searches For Distractions •

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"I love you, Eijirou..."




Kirishima slowly stirs awake, almost feeling nauseous from how quickly his heart currently beats. His face was hot and his body tingled, its buzzing self shielding a heart that pulsates with pain.
He had done it-- Bakugo had been his, just then.

Solely in a dream. Always, it's always just a dream.

He sits up with a sigh, processing his realization over how Bakugo had taken the bed with him again.

He's spread out on the bed and the blanket is nowhere near to covering his entire body. He couldn't help but to exhale a curt chuckle at the progression-- He had laid down on the bed on his back, and suddenly ended up like that.

He rubs his face with his hands in sorrow as another sigh flows out of his lips.

"Get yourself together, Eijirou..." He mumbles in shame. He looks down at Bakugou's resting face again. "I have no right in being upset if I'm nowhere near brave enough to confess to you, do I?"

He sat up for a long while, knees drawn to his chest as he held his head up with his forearm for support. Sleep is just too far from his reach.

The dark sky outside becomes his new point of interest. How moonlight pours inside at an angle perfect enough to just barely catch Bakugo's face remains to be mesmerizing to Kirishima.

Each time he looked, his mind confessed a million times... his heart and mind never seemed to grow tired from taking his job; acknowledging how much effect Bakugou has on him.
As his heart screamed the confession once more, he covered his face in humiliation... how can someone who claims to be as "manly" as he is, be so afraid to say a few words?

His mind, as it's done before, overflows his bucket of patience. He spends his distraction ticket and reaches over for his phone, brushing past the "37%" that its battery read. 
He turns the screen's brightness down and allows his gaze to swim about to each dark silhouette that stood in the darkness. To his right is his dorm's balcony, to his left is Bakugo. Bingo.

He sinks into comfort, engaging in a deeper state of thought. His hands begin to copy the signs that Bakugo had anxiously shown him. There were two; "the punk sign" as he called it, and the three-sign sentence. "I", he mentally places as he signs it out. His arms cross before his chest, and he points forward as if someone sat there. 

Without any leads on how to search for the second one, he types in "punk sign in sign language meaning". A few tons of results pour in, though none of which he scrolls past fit what surely Bakugo had been trying to say. He tries again, now typing "basic sign language". 
The "images" section becomes his best friend, providing countless leads that array from "please and thank you" sign language translation tutorials to the alphabet. The world fades around him, binding together him and those google search images. Alas, an image of a small child holding that "punk sign" pops up. He'd nearly dropped his phone from the speed at which he clicked on it.

He's led to countless more websites-- his heart pounds quicker for each sign closer to the ones he's seen that appear. 
With the fourth website in play, he nearly shouts out in victory. 
Despite the stupidity he feels from the website being made for toddlers, he's found it. It's there, in three versions that tie to the same translation.

"I love you".
"I really love you".

A hit of warm electricity blooms in his core, stretching in waves of tingles throughout his arms and legs and fingers. 
He'd overlooked this-- ignorantly, Kirishima had memorized the signs he knew would be most useful as of current through the rush he felt to learn quicker, for Bakugo's benefit.  Embarrassment suffocates him.

Now, surely, he won't get any sleep.


Stay with me
Won't you?
Your existence is home

Reminder: The book was not deleted, nor is it missing. This book is edited from its original copy (due to a rather confusing way of jumping towards plot peaks, spelling mistakes, and an overall amount of blurry or unsatisfactory [in the writer's eyes] scenes), therefore new scenes and a cleaner plot has been added. Updates are slow, but surely coming. Thank you!

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