• The Little Things •

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Kirishima walks up in front of Bakugo with a wide smile. He gently taps Bakugo under his chin with his index finger to get his attention.
Bakugo loved it when he did that.

They were sat in the common area, alone at last after being nagged by a few classmates. 
How they try to get him to read their lips hurts far more than they imagine. He felt trapped, like a hamster at a pet shop, as they had their fun with his misery. Being tapped under the chin by him was like being rescued from the hands of someone dangerous.

His smile beams as he giddily signs "look what I got!". He tugs his shirt up, his eyes squinting with his smile's power, while he shows off his new source of joy. Bakugo's heart gives a long squeeze towards the small, but deeply meaningful thing presented. Kirishima's mind, the more it opens to him, is a place wonderful beyond what he's ever seen, being responsible for such small but special things that have brought him indescribable amounts of joy.

He looks up, eyes stinging already at the presence of exhaustion-earned tears.

"A small, blinking light for my shirt! That way you can see me easier in crowds and stuff!" Kirishima further explains, and Bakugo grabs a fistful of his own shirt, over his heart. Kirishima's movement relaxes, as his smile does. The light is flicked on, squeezing Bakugo's heart tighter.

"See? Pretty cool, huh!? This was the last orange light they had left and I grabbed it!" He says, committing a few minor errors along with his motioned signs.

Bakugo tugs Kirishima towards him by his wrist and hugs him tightly, earning a soft gasp from him. He's been surprised with hugs a lot more, confirming his light suspicion that Bakugo carried a heavier emotional weight than what he showed. Though through his stunned state of mind, his smile widens and he hugs back tighter, laughing out in uncontrolled joy.

"Glad you like it, Bakugo..." He audibly croons.

That smile
Your effort to make me feel better
I hope it never ends

Reminder: The book was not deleted, nor is it missing. This book is edited from its original copy (due to a rather confusing way of jumping towards plot peaks, spelling mistakes, and an overall amount of blurry or unsatisfactory [in the writer's eyes] scenes), therefore new scenes and a cleaner plot has been added. Updates are slow, but surely coming. Thank you!

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