• Midnight Heart Attack •

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The days feel odd, as they pass by, now... Bakugou's been raised hearing "time flies by when you're having fun!" be ridiculously abused as a statement, why did it now apply to these days? These torturous, depressive days?
Being in pain isn't fun, he's sure of it. He's had enough of it. Yet still, the days are flipping by like a calendar thrown in a typhoon...

Kaminari had done his best to stay up as late as he could. Though, ever since the battle, he's been falling asleep much easier, oddly enough. He will admit, he feels exhausted, to this day. A type of exhaustion that sleep couldn't improve.

On the floor slept Kaminari, huddled up by pillows and a sleeping bag. Bakugou wandered around the room aimlessly, silent as a mute musician, as he tried to manipulate his mind into thinking about anything else other than him, and that day... his hero, and the battlefield.

He returned to his bed, as defeated as someone could get in a pointless task.
He knows his mind won't leave him be if he doesn't text him.

Without much thought, he types out; "I'm gonna ask a random question", despite the time reading 1:18 A.M.

He's surprised to actually have gotten a response, as quickly as he could. That put him to think, while nothing else could have... Kirishima's responded, this late at night, while in an internship?
This couldn't mean anything good... that was purely his paranoia, talking.

"Bro! I was just about to text you! I should be sleeping, Fat Gum doesn't know I'm awake- How was your first day alone? I couldn't stop thinking about you..."

He hadn't read it all out completely, he couldn't. He needed to get his question across. Why, he wasn't sure, too. But he needed to know.
"Needed", rather than "wanted"... he wanted it to be the opposite.

He sends;

"what would you do, if i died?"

The three dots instantly popped up. Bakugou realizes, such a question, at this time of the morning, probably wasn't the best of ideas.
At first, his brows furrowed at the "?!" he'd read from him. Until another message quickly popped up, underneath the distressing use of punctuation marks-

"Are you okay?? what's going on please why did you ask me that question"
"are you bakugou?! what happened?!"

Bakugou exhaled a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding, calmly responding with; "it's me, dumbass. I'm fine, i guess"
"Kaminari fell asleep and I'm fucking bored. thinking."

"Uhh!? Yeah! That's a great idea! I'm bored, so let's go give Kirishima the biggest heart attack he could get IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT"
"I'm trembling, dude, you scared me so badly-- are you sure, everything's okay!?"
"bakugou if you died, i would be devasted.."
"i got too close to going through that already. i got too close to finding out the answer, to that."
"and i despised every god damned second, of it."
"now please, answer me- truthfully, are you okay?"

Bakugou gets it out of the way, first; "Kaminari told me."
"Said we were on tv. it got broadcasted live, apparently."
"he said you looked terrified."
"kirishima I want to say something. He told me something I wasn't aware of"
"well, obviously, i was fucking unconscious."
"thank you for not going down that hill."

This time, it'd taken a while longer for Kirishima to respond.

Though, when he did, it was rather simple.

"what hill?"

Another explanation... Bakugou heads into it without reluctance. Besides, he knows Kirishima needs context. He's done enough for one night, already.

"That night, I told you to run, remember?"
"And you ran up that hill we'd slid down from"
"I thought you left me. And I was happy you left me"
"Because it meant you trusted me and my plan, and that you would have gotten away from those bastards"
"But, thank you for going back to me"

"Bakugou, you're not making sense"

He hadn't seen the text immediately, and instead, kept on texting.
"I'm not thanking you for going back because it meant you saved me, or because you went back for me. You were probably just doing what was logical, in the eyes of a hero, right?"
"Kirishima, did you go back for me because you knew what would happen if you went the other way."
"Be fucking honest, I don't care if the truth is rude or not."

"No, I went back because I left someone important behind. I couldn't leave you."
"I just couldn't."
"You want honesty?"
"The explosion terrified me. I was scarred at the number of bodies I had to crawl through to get back to you, but I didn't care. I don't care now."
"I needed to save you."

Bakugou felt his throat close up. That truth that he hadn't heard yet, hit him unexpectedly. His eyes begin to sting, his vision blurs over as a tear remains trapped back by his strong will to not cry.
Why is he crying? He doesn't see why he should cry.

"fuck. okay." Was all he could respond with.

"I'm still confused, and still worried. Why are you glad I went back, instead of going down the other way?" Kirishima had continued.

"You would have died."
"It was on the news. There was a group of gunmen waiting for us to go back, down the hill."

"Are you serious?"

"it's what Kaminari told me."
"So, thank you for not going down that hill."

Again, it'd taken a while to be responded by him. He understood, though... closing his eyes, he can see that expression on Kirishima's face. Despair. Shock.
Things that deep inside, he wishes wouldn't replace Kirishima's usually bright smile.

"you're welcome..."
"baku I gotta go"
"tomorrow's gonna be a big day"

I've scared him off. Nice job, you paranoid freak...

"Yeah. Good night."

"Sleep well and please be safe."

Bakugou couldn't fall asleep that night. He didn't feel safe, even if Kaminari was there. And despite Kirishima wishing it for him, Bakugou couldn't help but to feel the opposite. He wishes he'd wished the same thing for him, before he let him go for the night.

Kirishima was special, he needed Kirishima. His eyebrows were furrowed, he stared up at the ceiling with a pain in his chest.

Kirishima... is special...
I need... Kirishima...

I almost lost you
I can't lose you
I love you.

Reminder: The book was not deleted, nor is it missing. This book is edited from its original copy (due to a rather confusing way of jumping towards plot peaks, spelling mistakes, and an overall amount of blurry or unsatisfactory [in the writer's eyes] scenes), therefore new scenes and a cleaner plot has been added. Updates are slow, but surely coming. Thank you!

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