• A World Within World Within World •

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The Kirishimas, by what Bakugo has realized thus far, carry around with them an overwhelming sense of joy wherever they sail through. His home is now livelier in a far lighter way, contrasted from the usual stuffy, suffocating lively that his parents usually force into the atmosphere. Their presence is already let known by the laughter that travels through the hallways and welcomes them in already just as the front door is pushed open.

Their arrival was announced through a quick text to his father, but the sound of quiet chatter at their door lifts him off the lawn chair he set up in their backyard. Stepping into Bakugo's house starts with seeing not their entrance hall, but the darkness of the crooks of his parents' necks. Their hugs are warm, perhaps aided by their explosion-wielding quirks.

Mr. Bakugo leads the two through the modernized home- the one where he and his wife take pride to see the two comfortably marching through. After a pitstop to wash their hands, the two finally set foot on barbeque grounds. The smells surrounding them brings out a fulfilling eagerness and greetings are almost skipped over until the two boys are released to attack the platters of food previously grilled and put together.

Salads, burgers, hotdogs, sweet, sour, and spicy condiments- a typical American barbeque, as promised. There's music of all genres playing from the house loud enough to seep outdoors to them and a cooler overflowing with ice and drinks; alcoholic, and nonalcoholic.

Smiles are what don't lack in the scene. Loud laughter and chatter boom at every second that takes them further into a peaceful afternoon. Even still, Bakugo has a way of mutely willing Kirishima to come into a world of their own and leave behind all the noise, excitement, and fun that their parents have created.

With plates stacked with dreamy, savory delights, the couple wanders further into the yard and sits with chatter instantly blooming. The parents eventually settle over a joke laughed about for a little too long. Their smiles stay as their eyes all harmoniously lay on the two boys sat together further down the lawn, their backs peacefully turned to them. Kirishima's shoulders bounce with laughter as Bakugo gives him a light shove and Mrs. Bakugo snickers at the sight.

"Those two dorks," she affectionately spits out. "They really get along, huh?" There's an ounce of curiosity behind her statement and her eyes pin the head of blond spikes onto her board of attention. "I'm still mindblown over what Katsuki must've done to get such a sweet kid to adore him that much,"

The comment, naive even in its curious roots, has the others exchanging curious gazes.

"Eijirou has always been one to include people," Ms. Kirishima states, her tone docile and proud. "If your boy is one to typically be alone all the time and maybe doesn't like having too many friends like you say, maybe Eiji just took that as a challenge," she laughs.

Rin hops onboard with a fullhearted laugh, nodding towards the others as he sets his beer aside. "I remember him saying something that's always stuck to me," he begins, smiling at Kirishima's back. "When I'd just met him, I took him out to watch a movie... to try and get to know him, y'know?" He continues on. "I'd made a silly comment about a character... the nerdy one that movies typically have, and he told me that most times, the outcasted kids are always the most fun to be around."

Mr. Bakugo's smile widens as his heart soars, and he meets the equally joyed gaze of his wife as Rin's turn to speak continues. "He told me that they're always not what they seem. They're always outcasted for reasons that we all love but choose not to admit, or for reasons that we deep down don't care about but only care about because society, as a whole, chose to."

A choir of "ooh"s subtly rises.

"He had a lot of trouble making friends when he was little..." Ms. Kirishima suddenly picks up. "But when high school came about, he swore he would change that... I'd told him that I was worried over him being so alone,"
"Ahh, we tried giving Katsuki those talks," Mr. Bakugo slides in, laughing sheepishly. "He just doesn't budge..."

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