• Heroes Of Musutafu •

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Nearly delirious, he wakes up in a hospital bed, alone aside from the overwhelming presence of confusion, and startle, and pains oddly muffled by the drugs helping his body fight the injuries. A constant beeping from a heartrate monitor filled the uneasy silence, and the white ceiling disc lights were off, the only thing illuminating his room being a large corner lamp dimmed down to a low setting. It was late, that's all he knows so far...
His hands slowly clutch into the fists, a relieved sigh flows out of his lips as at last, the obliterating pain from before has been faded down.

Well, the physical pain was faded down. His heart, his mind all hurt extremely.

His mind was a constant loop of the explosion, the thousands of bodies, the state he found Bakugou in...He went into a panic when he realized again, he's alone. Where did they take him, he was desperate to know.

His panic is interrupted by a new voice, trailing into the room at a slow pace. He hadn't realized his door has been opened...

"Patient is awake," and a small pause settles. "Vitals are running good."

His eyes scan the room for the voice, a young lady enters the room with a shiny, red clipboard in her hands. She greets him with a small smile.

"Hi... I'm Miss Koji... How are you holding up?" Her sweet voice continues. "I'll be your nurse, I'm here to help you with anything you need and want," she then explained, "If you need some time to process anything, I completely understand, I can step back out if you need me to--"

"I- I'm... con..fused..." he'd raspily answered, grimacing at how dry his throat feels. His hands clutch to weak fists and he grimaces again, taking in a deep breath to then ask, "Wh- Where's Bak-.. kugou... Please, tell me he's ok- kay...-"

"Bakugou Katsuki, correct?" She calmly asks back, "He's being taken care of by another nurse." She adds in, holding onto her clipboard with a slightly tighter grip, "He... Still hasn't woken up yet..." she concludes with a slower tone.

Her expression was hesitant, it brought fear to Kirishima. He whines quietly in worry and the short woman is pained to find tears brimming at her patient's eyes.

"But first things first, your wellbeing. Do you feel any pain? Do you need anything,-"

"Yes." He insists through a quivery tone, "T- To know... if-..f Bakugou, Mid-.. doriya... Todoroki, Iida, a- and Uraraka are... okay... And to kn-.. know if the rescue... was successful,-- a-and that the hh... heroes are all okay, too... a-and-.. and... that the v-... villain.. behind it all was captured... and the a- attack is und- der control--" he cried in response, earning a sorrowed look from the nurse.

"Sorry, honey... I'm just the nurse, I wasn't let into all that information..." She delivers back. "And I know you have a lot of questions... they're all valid, and I will try my best to get you the answers from my place," she comforted, "all I can tell you is that the other heroes that arrived with you are under safe hands now, my team and I are doing our best to help you guys..."

A frustrated sigh falls into a sob as it leaves Kirishima's lips and his head falls back onto his fluffed-up pillow. His urge to cry breaks past his barrier of self-control, resurfacing unpleasantly upon him.

She claimed she needed to run a few tests on the patient, simple things like "a quick memory check" and to see if his body and system have been reacting properly to everything. She was with him for the next twenty or so minutes and left with: "If you need anything press that small button beside you, I'll come back to tend to your needs." Along with another one of her sweet smiles.
Meanwhile, Kirishima was left just as clueless and hurt as he had been before. Still, he sees no reason to blame her and he knows that she's trying her best. He would admit he was acting desperate and uncooperative, but he finds it reasonable to want to know if they all made it out alive.
That is all he needs to know.

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