1- my life

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I am Marissa Garcia and I have been on this planet for 15 years

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I am Marissa Garcia and I have been on this planet for 15 years.

One year ago, I lived with my lovely mother, Isabella, and my step father, Henry.

And no, my stepdad isn't evil. Henry is actually a good man and I care about him.
I do consider him as kind of a father figure, I even took his last name.

My mother told me that taking my biological father's last name is dangerous. Whatever that means.

I was living a normal life, you know, breakfast, school, lunch, school, dinner, sleep and repeat.

That's until, Isabella and Henry got burned- let me explain. So they were at their friend's house and the house caught on fire, they were in it and well they died.

I know I am talking about it like their death doesn't mean shit to me but no I cried so much that I don't have any tears left.

Also their death was my fault. I told them that they should have fun and go to their friend's house. But people say it's not my fault. Though I can't help but think it's partly my fault.

I just don't want to be a bad person.

So if you're wondering where I live now. I live with my step brother. His name is Liam and he's 19. He's now my legal guardian.

The first month was amazing. He told me that we should have fun to cope.

He showed me how to drive and let me tell you, I killed it. Now I can drive any car I want.

He even took me to this shooting thingy. Where we can own guns and shoot random things we find in this big forest. It's risky though, someone can literally miss and shoot you by accident.

That's what makes the whole thing better if I am being honest.

He bought me a gun and now it's always on me. It gives me power and I feel like I am in control of my life.

I can drive motorcycles too by the way. Liam and I would always go on late night rides on his motorcycle.

However this only lasted during the first month of us living together. And then he just... changed.

Like completely changed. Reason is unknown.

He would beat me up real bad that I would end up at the hospital.

I fought back I swear but he's literally 6'4 and I am 5'7. Plus he's so much bigger than me- what I want to say is that I can't win against him. I tried shooting him once and I succeeded, I shot him in his leg so I could get away from him but his friend came and- anyways I got beaten up so fucking bad and he would take my gun every time I come into the house.

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