30- reunite them

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I enter our house's gate and Rick comes rushing to me

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I enter our house's gate and Rick comes rushing to me.

This guard's name is not Rick but he's always with another guard so I decided to call them Rick and Morty.

"Where were you all day?" He asked me nervously.

"Out, why?" I answered him.

"Marissa your brother sent an entire team looking for you. They are scared to death. Go in fast and... good luck." Shit.

I visibly galloped and looked at Josh who was also panicking.

As I opened the door and stepped in.

All of them.

All of my six brothers are in the hall looking at me— glaring at me.

They might be planning my death. I fucked up.

"I am gonna put the painting in your room then lock the door and I am not gonna open it for another 3 hours." Josh whispered to me.

"No-wait- don't leave me!" I whisper-shouted.

"I love you but I love my life more." He said running up the stairs.

"Wait-" and he's gone. Well I am not gonna send his number to Grey then.

"I can explain." I said putting my hands in front of my chest. "I— Actually I can't explain so give me your lecture already so we can get this over with. I had a long day." I accepted my fate.

Bitch you're gonna die—

Shut up.

"I thought you were mature enough to understand that what you did today was beyond dangerous!" Lorenzo spoke, his tone is beyond angry and cold. I am scared.

"I was locked up in here for three weeks! You guys are always out!" I shot back.

"Watch your attitude you're supposed to be apologising!" Marcello told me.

"Apologising for what?!?"

"Apologising for what?!? Our men  are looking for you right now! We thought something happened to you! You left without informing us and you're wondering why would you apologise?!?" Matteo argued.

Oops. "First of all I did inform you! I wrote a—"

"Seriously?" Sandro interrupted me.

"All of this is because I was out for a day? If I am not gonna die on our enemies hands then boredom will kill me!"

"I thought you understood that your life is always in danger even inside our house. You're Marissa Riva. You're Rose. And now people know that you are both." Leo said. At least he's not yelling. And that kinda rhymes.

"Thank you very much Leo but I know who I am." I deadpanned. "I don't understand! So you want me to stay home at all times and when I go out I should be with one of you?"

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