Marissa Riva is the Italian mafia princess. She has been missing since she was 4. Kidnapped by her own mother.
The Riva family was mentally destroyed after her disappearance.
Then the father was gone too.
Leaving the six brothers with no hope, bro...
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I just got back from training. I trained for four hours. Grey killed me. I want to sleep so bad. I am hungry, I literally don't eat anymore, just smoking cigarettes and drinking energy drinks. And my whole body aches.
As I was gonna go upstairs, to my room because I don't even know how am I walking right now. I am having the worst headache ever.
I hear Riccardo yelling. So ,of course, I follow his yelling leading me to the kitchen.
"Here she is!" Riccardo yelled as soon as I entered the kitchen.
All of my brothers are here except Leo and Matteo, then there're all of my cousins except Mia who's probably fucking her boyfriend in Blake's penthouse.
"Here I am. What's going on?" I asked.
"What's going on?!? Are you kidding me? You lied to us!" Riccardo yelled at me. Oh hell no.
"Riccardo I get that you're angry but watch your tone while speaking to her." Tony glared at him.
"I lied to you?" I am genuinely confused.
"ALL THIS TIME—" He continued yelling and I literally can't right now.
"STOP FUCKING YELLING! I have got enough problems as it is!" I glared at him.
"When I ask you where Mia is.. you tell me she's with you while she was with fucking Ryle!" He lowered his voice but he's still too damn loud.
"Don't act like you're mad because we lied to you! You're mad because Mia has a boyfriend!" I said.
"Yeah!—I mean no!— Fuck— Damn it!" Riccardo is definitely struggling but I swear I am so not feeling well right now.
"Riccardo... Why don't you really want her to date? I want the real reason and if it's valid, I will break them up." I sighed sitting on a chair next to Marcello.
"I don't want her to date because..." He exhaled and sat down on the chair in front of me. "Because I don't want her to leave me."
That's sad and adorable at the same time. "And she won't." I said softening my tone.
"She told me that she hates me." He said running his fingers through his hair.
"She doesn't mean it, I promise. I tell my brothers I hate them too but I have never meant it. She was just mad at you." I told him. "If you don't want to lose her then you need to try and like her boyfri—"
"That's impossible." Riccardo interrupted me. "She's too young for this."
"Oh yeah? When did you start dating Riccardo?"
"Her and I are not the same."
"Why not?" I ask him kinda amused because he is so fucking struggling.