50- Good times

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I am in a random balcony

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I am in a random balcony. I just became a killer and I don't know how to feel. I don't feel bad, should I be concerned?

"That was hot." Someone speaks behind me. I turn around and it's Aaron. I chuckle.

"I bet it was. But was it right?" I questioned as I was leaning on the balcony's rail.

He started walking towards me then stood next to me. "As an assassin, that was 100% right."

"Mhm." I hummed not knowing what to respond. The moon is beautiful tonight that I can't take my eyes off of it. "The moon is pretty."

"Yeah but I am looking at something way prettier right now." He said making me look at him to find him looking back at me. Oh he's talking about me. I immediately blush and look away.

"Do you just flirt with everybody?" I ask him.

"Only you." He responds. His eyes didn't leave my face once. "I want to take you on a date." Now I look back at him.

"Just like that you want to take me on a date? I don't even know you." I chuckled.

"I am Aaron Axel Anderson, I am not actually Spanish, I am American but the reason of why I work with the Spanish mafia is because my grandmother is. I am 17 and in two months I'll be 18. My passion is to kill bad people and I love motorcycles. How about now? Do you know me?"

"I guess I do now." I chuckled.

"So, Marissa— wait what's your middle name?"

"Don't have one. I was born in Italy and we don't do middle names there, some people do but the majority doesn't."

"Oh well, Marissa Riva, will you do me the honour? Wait how do—" He's so nervous, it's making me laugh so I just cut him off by smashing my lips into his.

I need a distraction and he's adorable.

"Yes Aaron, you can take me on a date." I said between the kiss.

"Marissa, you are driving me insane." He whispered making the kiss go longer and deeper soon our tongues started dancing together and our hands just kept exploring each other's bodies— admiring each other's bodies.

Soon enough a moan escaped my lips making him grown and push his body more against mine like the little inch between us is killing him.

"Get away from my sister you fucking asshole!"

Oh shit.

I open my eyes to see Aaron being punched by Sandro.

I immediately rush and get between the two of them putting my manipulation smile on. "Ooo, Sandro hi!" I say and he doesn't even look at me. "Aaron leave." I say then look behind me and mouth; "I will call you." He nods and leaves while I am trying to hold Sandro back.

When Aaron was out of sight, Sandro finally looked at me—actually he was glaring at me.

"He's nothing huh?"

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