22- that one voice

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"I lost to the voices

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"I lost to the voices." He said.

I am so scared. How long has he been doing this for? Is he addicted? Can he stop? Will he hurt me? Should I run?

"Lorenzo for how long have you been doing this?" I ask him and he shakes his head 'no' as in a way to say that he's not telling me anything. "Lorenzo tell me so I can take care of you." I tell him softly.

"It's not your job to take care of me. It's my job to take care of you and I failed." He said. My poor brother.

"No Lorenzo. No. We take care of each other. We're family and that's what family does." I tell him.

"I am sorry that I disappointed you. I failed you all." He said.

"No Lorenzo. You didn't fail anyone. You raised your brothers. You're taking care of us." I comfort him.

"What if they see me like this? They are all relaying on me. I try so hard to be strong Rissa. I try so fucking hard." I hugged him tighter.

"There's power in trying remember?" I tell him. "Okay listen to me. I won't tell them but you need to let me help you. Deal?" I asked him.

He looks up at me. "My worst nightmare is for you to see me like this. You're just a child and you have been through a lot already and I am only making it harder for you. You're my baby. I am so sorry Marissa."

"For now let's take care of you." I said giving him a kiss on the forehead. "So for how long has this been going?"

"I was clean for five years and then when you told us about your past...The voices didn't stop Rissa. The voices didn't stop." He said. I understand. I know.

"I get it. Okay look at me." I say. He looks at me after short moments. "How much do you have in your office?"

"In that drawer and that's it. I promise." He said.

I open the drawer again. It's a medium bag, thank god it doesn't look really used. There's a trash can in his office. I take the plastic bag and put the evil powder in it for now.

"I am sorry I am not strong enough." He was saying that over and over again but I didn't respond to him. I was just trying to clean up this mess.

I think he's telling the truth but I make a small tour in his office looking if there's any more but I find nothing.

"Okay Lorenzo. You're gonna take a shower and a nap. Then we're gonna talk. Okay?"

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