35- don't say that

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"Then what the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked again

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"Then what the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked again.

"My fucking brothers!" She exclaimed angrily pulling away from the hug.

"Calm down! If you're not pregnant then whatever it is, we can fix it." I said. She was just freaking out with her hands in her hair.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!?" Tony asked her.

And she just cried more. I don't know how to help her. "What did your brothers do?" I asked her.

She sat down and looked at me. "Turn around." She said between her sniffles. I turned around confused. "Your ass looks nice in my dress." She said making me laugh and she just slightly chuckled before going back to crying.

"Mia what's wrong?" Lorenzo asked.

"I hate them! I hate Riccardo!" She exclaimed.

"I hate him too but what did he do?" Marcello asked.

The silence was too loud. She looked up at me and I see guilt and fear in her eyes. "Ryle." She said and my eyes widened.

They found out about her boyfriend.

"Oh no." I said.

"They are gonna kill him Mary! I can't lose him!" She yelled gripping her hair.

"Who's Ryle?!?" Tony asked.

"My now dead boyfriend." Mia responded. "If they kill him, I don't know if I can forgive them again. I don't think I will ever forgive them." She said hatred filling her voice.

"They warned you Mia. You don't have the right to have a boyfriend." Lorenzo said.

"So now it's my fault?! I am gonna be 17 in two days! I have every right in the world to date whoever I want!" She said looking at Lorenzo with murderous eyes but one glare and she snapped her gaze back to the ground.

"They're not gonna kill him don't worry. We will find him." I reassured her.

"We will find him?!? Are you serious? You don't know how many warehouses your brother has!"

Why am I proud that the Martinos work for my brother? Never mind—

"Lorenzo..." I turn to Lorenzo with puppy eyes but they don't seem to be working. "Please tell us where he is."

"No. I promised Elijah."

"Promises are meant to be broken please please!" I said sitting next to him and kissing his cheek.

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