20- love you

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I went to the living room and I found the twins

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I went to the living room and I found the twins. Thank any god out there.

"Guys! I think something is wrong with Mary!" I said panicking.

They both shot up immediately and went to the stairs. I followed them to Mary's room. They were gonna just barge in so I stop them. "This is a girl's room. Knock for fuck's sake." I told them.

"Sandro come in please." She said after I knocked.

I go in and then the twins come in after me. "Did anyone smoke in her room?" Marcello said. "Or maybe she smokes... Marissa!"

"What? I— what are the twins doing here?" She asked me coming out of her bathroom.

"I panicked, you didn't look well. What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Oh yeah about that..." she started and then looked at the floor trying to find the words I guess. "So can anyone of you buy something for me from the shops?"

"What is this something? Just buy it online." Matteo told her.

"No I need it right now. I need— I got my period so can any of you buy me pads?" She told us, her cheeks started getting red.

"Isn't she too young to have a period?" Matteo asked. This stupid motherfucker.

"Shut up Matteo. Is this your first or do you know how this works?" Marcello asked her.

"No I got mine when I was thirteen so—"

"Thirteen?!? Oh my baby.." Matteo cut her off hugging her while she just stood there looking at him confused because he clearly has no idea about periods.

"Matteo seriously?" She said and he just hugged her tighter. "Why did you bring him with you?" She mouthed asking me while she pretended to hug him back.

"I panicked." I mouthed back.

"Matteo, I am seriously okay." She told him. "Someone needs to explain this to him." She said pushing him away from her but he didn't move.

"Matteo let her go." Marcello told his twin and that's when Matteo moved looking at her like she just got shot. I just glared at his stupidity.

"I'll buy you whatever you want." I tell her.

"Thanks. Okay buy me the medium and the night ones." She said and I have no idea what that means but I nodded. "You don't know what that means do you?" She asked me and I shake my head 'no'. "FaceTime me when you're in the shop."

We get out of her room. "Marcello come with me please, I am scared that I will buy her the wrong thing." I ask him and he nods.

"If I remember correctly, if a girl gets her period she can have kids right?" Matteo asked.

"Yes Matteo yes." I answered him exhausted from his stupidity.

"How can Marissa have kids?" Matteo asked. His questions are getting dumber by the second.

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