00- Bonus

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"Get up Mary! You're already late!" I shake her up but she's mumbling things and hitting my arm in the process

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"Get up Mary! You're already late!" I shake her up but she's mumbling things and hitting my arm in the process.

I am waking her up to take her to school. We all graduated except for her and I have never seen anyone hate school as much as she does.

The classes she skips are way more than the whole trimester. Lorenzo just wants her to graduate but she doesn't give a fuck. It's so funny.

"Mary!" She's still ignoring me. "That's it, I am gonna call Lorenzo." Nothing, I am starting to think she went back to that deep sleep. "Mary! This is your last chance." Yeah there's no point in this.

I pull out my phone and call the only one she listens to... sometimes. "Your baby doesn't want to wake up and she's already one hour late."

He told me he's coming so I just waited for him sitting on Marissa's desk chair, her desk is empty, this girl really doesn't study.

"You're in deep shit if you don't wake up now." I told her but I know she's not even listening to me.

Her door flew open and Lorenzo goes into her room then opens all of her windows curtains that even me who's awake, it hurts my eyes.

"Wake up Marissa." He says and she's already groaning and tossing around. "Marissa!"

"Leave me alone!" She mumbles and pulls her covers over her head so Lorenzo snatch them away from her. "I am cold!" She whines. "I don't want to go to school!"

"Come on get up." He said but a chuckle left him when she wrapped herself with her arms looking like a ball in her bed. "Get up baby, just a few hours then you can come back to bed." He said giving her a kiss on the cheek that seems to be sending her back to sleep.

Great job Lorenzo. Note the sarcasm.

"Lorenzo back away." Marcello said coming into the room with a water bottle—oh my poor sister.

He came closer to her bed and started pouring water on her face. She quickly shot up and snatched the bottle from Marcello's hand and threw it out of one of her windows then lied back down. We couldn't not laugh at that. How is she not awake yet?

"Oh my god, she's still asleep?" Tony said coming into her room.

"She is." Marcello answered him.

Then Lorenzo had no other choice than to carry her to the bathroom, wash her face— when we tell you she's a baby, we are not kidding!— she finally started to wake up so he gave her her toothbrush with toothpaste already on it, he, of course, had to keep talking to her or else she would fall back asleep.

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