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Right now we're in front of my personal hell

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Right now we're in front of my personal hell. Yeah school. But today is special! Because the twins and Sandro are coming with me.

We go into the school and everyone is watching us. At this point I am used to this.

"What class do you have now?" Sandro asked me.

"I don't know." I shrugged but then I saw a guy and I remember we have many classes together so I head towards him.

"Hey." I said nonchalantly.

"Hi! Oh you're talking!" The guy said surprised.

"Yeah I am talking. I talk." I said again nonchalantly.

"Usually you only talk to teachers— anyways we have a math class now! We need to go!" The guy said before leaving.

"I have a maths class." I turned to Sandro who shook his head disappointed but also slightly chuckling. "I can skip—"

"No. We're going, come on. Matteo needs it." Sandro said causing me to chuckle.

We go into class and we sit in the back. All of their eyes are on us making me so mad.

"The fuck you looking at?!?" I yelled then the teacher came in.

"Always energetic I see miss Marissa." The teacher said and I rolled my eyes. "We have visitors today." He said looking at my brothers.

"If you want us to leave—" I said getting up, I was waiting for the chance to get the fuck out of here.

"No, not at all. I just hope they help you be more attentive in class." He responded. Fuck him.

I rolled my eyes and sat back down.

"It's been a while since I last saw the 'mean' you." Matteo said to me.

"Well today you will see her a lot." I told him.

"Marissa! Can you answer that please?" The teacher said.

"No, I wasn't paying attention." I responded.

"Why is it too expensive?" The teacher laughed at his own joke while no one laughed. "You get it? 'Payed' 'expensive'... you didn't understand the joke? It's too eas—"

"The answer is 2x+1." I cut him off. "And I understood the joke, it just wasn't funny." The class laughed at that and it wasn't even my intention. Then the teacher laughed too and it was awkward.

"Can you explain how you got that answer? It's right."

"No I don't want to." I answered.


"You know what? That is enough math for the day." I said getting up and heading towards the door and I feel my brothers following behind.

"Well that was something." Sandro said. "Do we go home now?"

"No! Are you crazy? Didn't you hear Lorenzo saying I need to go to all of my classes?" I exclaimed. "Let's go to the back of the building."

"The back of the building is just kids smoking weed." Marcello said like I didn't know that.

"I know." I rolled my eyes walking towards the back of the building with my brothers behind me. They are just following me it's so funny.

"Hello Marissa. Fancy seeing you here."

"Fuck off Derek." I said as soon as we made a turn and a bunch of high hormonal teenagers appeared.

"Or what? You're gonna put me in a hospital too?" Oh this bitch is dead.

Derek takes a step back and I don't understand but I look behind me to find my brothers.

"We're joking. Marissa and I are friends, right Mar?" Derek said raising his hands in surrender.

"That's not right. Now fuck off before I put you in a coma." After I said that he took off. Coward.

"Oy Marissa! Come join us!" Big G yelled from the other side. "Oy! Your brothers are here too!" He sounded happy so I assume my brothers like him.

We join them and their names are; Big G, Big A, Big N and small G.

They call themselves the GANg.

The poor guy that got 'small G' as his name.

We join them and Big N passes me weed. "Oh no, not in front of my brothers anyway."

"Give me some." Matteo said and they did give him some.

"So what changed in school after we left?" Sandro asked them.

"It's not the same. No one controls them [...]"


"What class do you have now?" Sandro asked me.

We— I skipped 3 classes because we stayed with the GANg.

"English. Can we skip it please?" I asked them.

"Mary we're already in trouble—" Sandro said but he stopped talking when I got my gun out.

"We skip or I shoot you." I say chuckling and they chuckle too— oh they don't know me. "You have three seconds to say 'yes we can skip'"

"No we can't—"

And I shot the wall behind him causing my brothers to get their guns out and we started a shooting spree in the school building— yep in the school building.

We were just shooting, acting like we're gonna shoot each other— it was fun until everyone started yelling and even crying leaving their classrooms. We immediately hid our guns and acted scared too.

It was hilarious.

"Marissa Riva please head to the headmaster's office."


I look at my brothers who are laughing and we head to the office.


"At school?!? Really? You have got nothing to do other than that?!" Lorenzo scolded us while we were on our way to the car, we were trailing behind him with our heads down but I don't regret what we did.

It was fun.

"I send you to make sure your sister studies but no, first she hangs out with the GANg and yeah I know them— I hope at least you didn't let your sister smoke! Then you started shooting— I don't understand!"

"It was fun thanks for asking." Matteo told him. Oh he's very high.

"Where did I go wrong in raising you?" Lorenzo questioned looking at him but Matteo just gave him a smile and a thumbs up in return making Sandro, Marcello and I burst into laughter.

"You know what? I don't want to understand." Lorenzo said handing me the car keys. "I know you want to drive."

Oh? "You're not mad at me?" I asked him.

"I am mad at your brothers for allowing you to do that." He responded.

"That's just unfair!" Matteo said.

"You should really shut up." Marcello told him.


A/N: And this is the last bonus chapter! The next chapter will be the first one in part two!

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