28- It's time they hear it

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We are all now eating dinner

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We are all now eating dinner. All of them are looking at me with worry as I didn't even cry at the news of Blake's death or more likely Blake's fake death because he promised not to die.

We are all eating in silence, only the sound of our forks hitting the plates is filling the room.

I am sick of their glances so I put my fork down aggressively. "I am fine!" I exclaimed.

"Calm yourself Marissa!" Lorenzo narrowed his eyes at me.

"I am calm but your glances are not exactly making me comfortable! If Blake died then RIP and if he didn't then good for him!" I said.

"Fucking hell! We're just concerned!" Marcello glared at me. The usual. "We don't fucking care about Blake and we're even happy he died!"

"You don't have any reason to be concerned! Just mind your own business!"

"Your business is our business. So yeah right now we are minding our business." Tony said.

Don't shoot him.
Don't shoot him.
Don't shoot him.

"Lorenzo can I go out tonight?" I asked putting on a very fake smile.

"No." He deadpanned.

"I am this close to shooting you." After I said that I immediately slapped my hand over my mouth.

I am dead. See you soon Blake!

Matteo and Sandro started laughing.

"Disrespect me again and I am not gonna be nice at all Marissa." He said in the strictest voice I have ever heard him use.

"My bad." I muttered.

"I am not your friend you can't talk to me like that." He scolded.

"Alright my bad." I said.

After a few awkward moments I break the silence again. "Lorenzo can I go out tonight?"

Matteo and Sandro failed to hold their laughter but Lorenzo glared at them making them stop immediately.

"Marissa hand me your phone. You're grounded."

"Damn you're really making my day better. Thanks brother." I hand him my phone.

"Maybe I should go to my room before I say anything I'll regret." I say while giving a fake and sarcastic smile as always.

"You're not leaving this table until you finish your food." Lorenzo said. "And after that you go straight to your room. You have school tomorrow."

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