Marissa Riva is the Italian mafia princess. She has been missing since she was 4. Kidnapped by her own mother.
The Riva family was mentally destroyed after her disappearance.
Then the father was gone too.
Leaving the six brothers with no hope, bro...
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"Please I can't. I am full." I finished my first sandwich and half of the second one like fifteen minutes ago and my brothers are still trying to get me to eat the other half.
"Are you saying that I can't cook?" Leo asked clearly faking hurt.
"No, no they are good I swear." I respond.
"Nah she's just being nice, your sandwiches are shit Leo." Marcello said. I am currently still on his lap leaning my head on his chest and he's wrapping his arms around me.
I have never felt safer.
"Oh really? well that hurts." Leo said.
"No Marcello stop lying! I promise they are good Leo." I try to convince him.
"Then prove it take another bite." He said.
I can't not take another bite when he's looking at me like that.
I took a bite. "See I told you I love it."
"But you only took a small bite take two others." Leo said.
"Leoooo" I start whining.
"You say you're a big girl and then act like a child." Matteo said.
"Oh shut up Matty Ratty." I actually like the nickname. It suits him.
"Isn't that what she used to call you when she was young?" Antonio asked and Matteo nodded.
"Out of all the things that she could remember about me, she remembered that shitty nickname." Matty ratty complained.
"What's there to remember about you?" I said making Marcello chuckle.
"Wait did my twin just chuckle? Or Am I hallucinating?" Matteo said putting a hand on his heart acting shocked.
"Oh shut up." Marcello said.
"I am convinced you don't like my sandwiches." Leo said again. Can't he just drop it?
"Told you." Marcello said.
"Fine fine I'll eat two more bites." I took two more bites and all of them started chuckling even Lorenzo and Marcello. That's odd.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked them.
"Mary you finished your second sandwich." Lorenzo said.
"Oh..." and then I realised. "You manipulated me!" I say making Leo burst out laughing.
"Alright now why are the twins home?" Lorenzo asked, his father tone is back.
"Got into a fight." Marcello responded.
"Well no car for a day." Lorenzo said.
"Wait but you didn't hear them out maybe it's not them who started the fight." I defended them.