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"Silas." Lorenzo said something finally. I was really starting to believe that he had gone mute. "And everyone, I need you to leave. I need a moment alone with Marissa."

Yes please.

Silas sent me one last 'forgive me' look before he left along with my brothers. Lorenzo closed the door and came to stand next to me. The room is so quiet and I love it, I am having the worst headache ever.

"Red wine? Whiskey?" Lorenzo asked me softly.

"Wine, please." I responded sitting on one of the stools. Lorenzo sits in front of me, he fills a glass and passes it to me so I thank him, then he fills his glass. He takes a healthy sip then sighs looking at me. "Troublemaker," He muttered making my lips twitch upwards. "Talk to me."

"I..." I need to vent, I am going crazy, I need to talk, I need to let it all out... But what if he has enough problems as it is, I don't want to be a burden. "Are you mad at me?" I asked instead.

"Of course not." He responded. "How could I be when Ace's middle name is my name?" I chuckled at that. Lorenzo is like a father to me, I love him to the moon and the back. "Thank you."

"No. I want to thank you, for everything, and I am proud of you for raising all of us. Now I know it isn't easy." I admitted. "It is really hard to always be careful about what you say and what you do and what you show and there's no room for mistakes... it's exhausting."

"I understand." He nodded. "Tell me how you feel." He demanded but when he saw the hesitation in my eyes he nodded like he's allowing me to vent. "I want to hear everything. Say whatever comes to your mind."

"Lorenzo..." I sighed drinking more and more wine. "I am....extremely.." I let a tear roll down my cheek.
".. unhappy." That's the truth.
"Don't get me wrong.. Ace is not the reason— hell, he's actually the reason why I didn't kill myself til now, I love him more than life itself.." I leaned back getting more comfortable on the chair. "But... I am not happy. I am exhausted. I feel like giving up but I can't let anything happen to Ace.
I am so scared Lorenzo... I am so scared. If something happens to him— I would die. If something happens to Ace, I would lose my mind." I said more tears running down my cheeks, just the thought of my child potentially getting hurt has my heart clenching painfully. "And Blake..."

"Blake will come around." Lorenzo reassured me.

"I don't know." I sighed. "It's been six years, what if he doesn't love me anymore?"

"Blake loves you Marissa. And more than you can ever imagine. Trust me."

"I love him, Lorenzo." I admitted. "I can't imagine Blake with someone else— I'd kill every woman on this planet I swear to god. Blake is mine... I can't live without him. I simply cannot." He laughed at me when I am very serious! "Is that bitch Tate still working for him?"

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