Chapter 18

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"We will keep you safe, we promise," John said as he took her hands in his. "Are you sure you are okay with all this? I have to admit, I was expecting a different reaction. Talk to me please, Sweetheart."

She pulled her hands away and shrugged, "I was scared at first but you didn't show any signs of typical mafia attitude around me other than people being to scared to not listen to you but that could easily be explained as being ruthless billionaires as well. You didn't show me any reason to be scared so I just kept doing my job and over time it just wasn't that big of a deal, the less I knew the easier it was to forget at times. The only time it really was brought to my attention was when people would look at me like I was crazy for talking to you."

Jason chuckled, "Not everyone has the courage to talk back to us, Luv."

"Okay," She whispered and nodded.

"Everything has been taken care of," Gabriel said softly. "Let's get out of here for a bit."

"Yes Sir," She nodded and placed her hand in his that was held out. He gently squeezed it and once they got outside she realized that there were no signs of what happened earlier. Everything looked spotless and just as beautiful as before. She was in awe how they had managed to do that in such a short amount of time. They never ceased to amaze her.

"What would you like to do today Mi Amor?" Gabriel asked as they headed to their cars.

"I don't know," She shook her head. "What would you like to do?"

"Let's do something outdoors so we can enjoy the sun," John suggested. "Can you think of something you would like to do that's outdoors?"

She shook her head, "I don't know," She whispered as she started to feel overwhelmed.

"Hey that's okay," Jason said softly. "You don't have to decide, we will come up with something."

"Let's go to the zoo," John suggested. "You like all those animals and it's outside so we can still get some Vitamin K in our system."

She giggled and shook her head, "you get vitamin K from vegetables. You get vitamin D from sunlight."

"Alright, Miss Know It All," John chuckled, "get in the damn car."

"Yes Sir," She smiled softly as Jason opened the car door. "Thank you."

"You are very welcome," they said in unison.

"I'll go get the camera so she can take pictures if she wants," Gabriel said rushing back into the house then coming back a few minutes later.

They spent the next few hours at the zoo just walking around and watching her from a little distance as she awed over all the animals. She was taking a ton of photos of every animal and they liked how relaxed she seemed even with the zoo being a little crowded. She would constantly glance back to see if they were still there and once she would spot them, they could tell she would relax again and then go back to focusing on the animals. She wouldn't strain away from them but she would have just a little bit of distance, like she was testing herself on her comfortability. They knew before this she would have gone a few animals ahead of them, if they could have even got her to go to the zoo with them would have been a miracle actually. She was very adamant about not mixing personal and business life together and yet now here she was at the zoo with them and she wouldn't leave one animal section to go to another unless they were within arm's reach. They were savoring every moment she was clingy like this because they knew it wouldn't last forever but they also couldn't wait for the day she started really testing the limits and start bratting to them again, maybe she would be a mix of both now they wondered. Either way they would love and work on being worthy enough to own her heart.

"Would you like to feed the birds?" John asked as they came up to the bird sanctuary. She nodded and he pulled some money out of his wallet and handed it to her. She looked up at him shocked then smiled and went to get some cups with bird seed in them. She came back and handed each a cup then took a few steps over to where there were some birds on branches close by. She held the cup out and waited. A bird tilted its head and looked at her for a few moments then flew and landed on her arm and started eating the seed. Her face lit up and John quickly grabbed his phone to capture the moment.

"You better send that to us as well," Gabriel whispered as they watched her be so at peace being around the animals

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"You better send that to us as well," Gabriel whispered as they watched her be so at peace being around the animals. "We need to do this more often."

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